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Once the bell rang I made a straight line towards my locker. I am going to watch the lacrosse practice since I have nothing better to do now that the cross-country team is on break. Last year I was one of the best there. Coach said that maybe next year I will make it to a cross-country meet with the other schools. Though I do need to train for that to happen.

Originally I was trying for the lacrosse team as well but some people ahem Jackass ahem were not all in for the idea. Never mind, at least I get to watch Scott and Stiles. Even if they make fools out of themselves most of the time.

I was about to open my locker to stuff my things in and head to the practice. Just as I started putting my combination in someone stopped by me. I didn't pay much attention because come on, no one ever talks to me.

"Hi." I jumped in fright. My head hitting against the metal door of my locker. A groan escaped my lips as I rubbed the side of my head in agony. "Oh my god I am sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." A girl voice from earlier said causing my head to turn in that direction. My eyes widened when I saw the new girl...Allison.

"No...I...um...i-it's fine. I just didn't really expect anyone to talk to me that's all." Great Macey, stutter even more to make it awkward. A great way of overcoming your social ineptitude. Oh gosh, where are Stiles and Scott when you need them?

"What? Why not?" Allison asked with a smile, opening the locker next to me. Oh, seems like I will be awkward on a daily basis now.

"Honestly, I am really socially awkward, I am not popular and no one really talks to me in general so I figured you wouldn't either." I shrugged. I could feel eyes fixed on my back. Wonder, is it Scott staring at Allison and trying to figure out why she is talking to me or is it Stiles who will tease me about my gaucherie later.

"If it bothers you I don't have to talk to you but I thought you looked nice and wanted to make a friend," Allison said kindly giving me an encouraging smile.

"Yeah...no...yes..." What? Macey, get your words together, please. "No it doesn't bother me and yes I can be your friend. As long as my strange behavior won't freak you out." Good job Mace, you managed to get a full two sentences out of yourself. Oh my god, my heart is beating so loud.

"Don't worry I don't get freaked out easily," Allison assured me.

"Um...I'm Macey then." I introduced myself, trying to limit the stutters.

"Allison." She closed her locker just as the scent of expensive perfume filled the air. Lydia.

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it?" And speak of the devil, Lydia appeared in front of us, scaring the crap out of me.

"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco," Allison explained sending me a small smile, seeing how uneasy I was in the presence of the popular girl.

"And you are my new best friend," Lydia announced which was basically a cue for me to get the hell out of there.

"Well, it was nice talking to you Allison, but I better get going," I said quickly not waiting for a reply as I stumbled as fast as I could over to Stiles and Scott that were by Scott's locker along with another girl.

"Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together." I heard Stiles explain just as I made it towards them. My body immediately falling against his in an exhausted state.

"Oh my god, I think I died," I whispered, my head boring into Stiles' shoulder as he supported my weight. Stiles' body moved slightly as he laughed.

"Yeah, but you did it and you were good. You talked to someone other than Scott and me. I'm proud." Stiles' encouragement was so sweet. It made me actually really proud of myself for managing to maintain some sort of conversation with someone. She even said she wanted to be my friend. Ever since Heather started going to a different school than Stiles and I, the lack of girl friends was evident in me. Oh my gosh, I finally have a friend that is a girl.

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now