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Hey, so I know this might be a bit overdue but I think that there is never too late to launch fanfic. This one is based on Teen Wolf, one of the most amazing serials ever, just saying.  So naturally, I do not own the characters of Teen Wolf...would be way too lucky if I did. Also, don't own the storyline, if I did it would be even more messed up and confusing than it already is you can believe me on that. 

The only thing that I own in this story are Macey and her brother and her storyline. Also need to warn you guys that English isn't my native mistakes are surely going to be there, but no one is always correct right? If you have the absolute need to point them out to me...okay fine be my guest I won't mind as long as you are polite about it. This I am not saying because I would hate someone correcting me. I just had some bad experience in my previous book with someone who was constantly correcting me and the person was quite rude about it and it was really discouraging. 

Anyway, welcome to the start of my book Just Friends. It takes place in season 1 and 2 because it just felt right to put those two together you know...felt logical. Hope you will like the story. This is my original work so I shouldn't steal it? I can't really tell anyone what to do but it would be nice if you wouldn't steal this work cause I worked kinda hard on it.

So without any more blabbering, I guess we could get on to the story? 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now