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I raced all the way towards the cafeteria, I am supposed to meet with Stiles there. I somehow managed to steal the monitor AND the phone. Don't ask me how I did it. It was terribly hard, it included me getting stuck under Finstock's table with him sitting there for about fifteen minutes, but I did it and I should be really proud of myself. But I am not because I spend fifteen minutes in close proximity of the coach's feet. 

I'm going to have nightmares for sure. As I was rushing down the hall I almost collided with someone. Fortunately, I had enough reflexes to stop just in time. Or else I would have tackled Lydia to the ground. That sure wouldn't be graceful, or comfortable. Nor would it help my social status. 

"Oh, I am so sorry." I blurted out quickly, thinking that she might be angry at me for almost causing her to fall. But surprisingly she just gave me a friendly smile. 

"What for? You didn't do anything." Oh my gosh, is Lydia Martin just being nice to me? I thought she wouldn't even want to acknowledge my presence. "I actually wanted to talk to you." She said. She...wanted to...whaaaa? 

"M-me? Ohh...um yeah o-okay. Sure about what?" To hell with my stuttering. 

"I wanted to thank you for the other day." She said, being careful when mentioning the events. I can tell she still isn't fully over it. And honestly, I am not either. I didn't think she would remember it. Seemed pretty much out of it back then. 

"Oh, it was really nothing. Everyone would have done the same in my place." I smiled at her. She was slightly taller than me but not by much so it was easy to look into her forest-green eyes. Stiles was right they are beautiful. 

"You would be surprised how wrong you are," Lydia said rolling her eyes. She then looked me up and down. Her eyes lingering on the Marvel hoodie I was wearing for a bit longer until she looked me in the eyes. "We should totally hang out sometime." She wants to hang out with me? Oh my... 

"S-sure, yeah, totally." Was I too quick to answer? Did I sound too eager? Oh god I did, didn't I? Lydia just smiled and nodded. 

"Great, I'll text you." She said and sauntered off. I stayed there frozen for a few seconds before quickly realizing that I need to be somewhere else already. Quickly scrambling in the direction of the cafeteria, I crashed through the door and literally collapsed on the chair next to Stiles. 

The said boy jumped a bit in his seat alarmed by my sudden presence. I was panting heavily, my head collapsing on top of the table, hitting it with a loud sound. I could feel Stiles looking at me, probably wondering what had happened. The next thing I know my head was lifted and something was slipped underneath it. I was then laid back down only to feel the fabric of Stiles' bag underneath my head. I know it is his because it smells of his deodorant. No, it is not weird that I know exactly how his deodorant smells like. It is a completely ordinary thing. I think.

"I think the book's making it more obvious." I shifted my head a bit to see what Stiles was talking about and I saw Scott trying to hide behind a history book. Is that mine? Hey, they were going through my stuff. Ugh, at least Stiles had enough common sense to bring my backpack from the class. "Besides, she's reading, anyway." 

"Is he trying to hide from Allison still?" I asked my breathing once again intact. 

"Mhm." Stiles nodded. 

"So did you two come up with a plan yet?" Scott asked, letting the book down slightly. 

"I think so," Stiles answered glancing over in my direction and I nodded telling him that the mission was successful. You wouldn't believe the smile that appeared on his lips at that moment. Stiles bit into his apple. Hmm, what would I give to have at least an apple right about now. I am getting hungry but I don't have time to go get my lunch as the lunch break is almost over. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now