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Hello, long time no see. My finals are finally over. Yay me. And now I'm just waiting for my admission letters from unies. Fingers crossed I get to at least one. *cough* Ireland *cough* but as of right now that means I will be able to hopefully publish more frequently until some tragedy strikes. And because I kept you waiting for so long and you guys have been very patient, this chapter will be one of the longer ones. A little angsty a little bisexual panic from Macey towards the end...enjoy.


Waking up in the woods, with nothing but a hospital gown was a strange enough experience. I think for some people it would be enough to find themselves in the dark, in an unknown place. They would be terrified for a lifetime. But finding out that you have woken up after being out for about three days, is a right blow in the feels. 

Surprisingly enough I only felt a numb pain from the wounds. But that might have been just from the shock because right when I finally fully calmed down they started hurting really bad. Worse, however, was the pounding in my head. And the strange feeling. I can't even explain it fully. It was as if this coldness and weight spread through my whole body. Making me even colder than I already was thanks to the low temperature. It was like death...

And the moment I found the baby blue jeep, that panic that I felt surging through my body suddenly got replaced by a sense of urgency to find my friends. To find Stiles. Because I knew he would be able to help me. No one else just Stiles. 

I hated the feeling of being scared, confused, and being overall lost in my own head. I hated it, it made me feel so helpless. How can someone just strut their way out of the hospital while not being fully conscious? What had come over me that night is still a mystery to me. 

But just because I suffered through some scratches and bruises and almost spent the night in the forest, alone and in danger of freezing to death, doesn't mean that I won't be going to school. I need to. I have to help them find Lydia and I can't do so while I am lying in bed. 

It seems like though, that Stiles isn't quite fond of this decision of mine. I can see why. I gave myself a right fright when I looked in the mirror in the morning. But I managed to cover the terrible-looking scratches so I shouldn't be looking as bad now, yet here he is, still scowling at me. 

"What?" I asked, getting slightly irritated by him and his intense stare. I couldn't help but sigh when he stayed quiet. His eyes just ran me up and down as if inspecting me for something. I am getting majorly pissed by the fact that he just stopped me in front of the school. Just two simple steps and I would be in. This is exactly the reason why I choose to walk to school today. 

Because knowing Stiles he would kick me out of his car if he saw me in the morning. I got all the way here by feet just to have him stop me right in front of the entrance. How lucky am I?

"What are you doing here?" Stiles asked, arms crossing over his chest as he gave me the scolding look that only he can pull off. Now come on, not even Newt was protesting this much when I said I want to go to school. Of course, he had some doubts about it, but since he had to go to work he was forced to let me off the hook. 

Because he knew that once he would leave to work I would do what I want anyway. I just, don't see the point in staying at home and missing a day of school when I have no valid reason for it. The scratches are healing, the bruises are almost non-existent now and the headache is partially gone as well. No real damage done...maybe emotional but I had that already. 

"Stiles," I started calmly looking up into his hazel eyes that were boring into me with a strange fear. "This is school...people go to school to finish their education so they can graduate and go to college." I started slowly explaining to him the whole school system. In case he didn't know how it works. But I guess he knew because he gave out a tired sigh at my rant. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now