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I was honestly half-dead in the backseat. Stiles' and my bag acting as a pillow while my legs were stretched out on the seat. Stiles even threw me his jacket to use as a blanket because seriously when you ride in the car for four hours straight you ought to get tired. Especially when you were half asleep even before you initially stepped into the said car. 

I pity Stiles. The poor guy has to be driving around aimlessly just waiting for Scott's call. Speaking of which is he ever going to call us? This feels like he has forgotten about us completely. 

"What am I supposed to do with him?" Stiles asked loudly into his phone causing me to lift my head. Is he calling with Scott? Oh, I sure hope so. "And, by the way, he's starting to smell," Stiles remarked. I can't hear Scott's answer but I can create a picture. "Like death." There was a bit of silence, with Stiles listening to Scott's instructions. Honestly, I hope he is saying that he has found the bullet and that we can finally pack this up. "What about your boss?" His boss? Oh no, don't tell me we are going to the animal clinic, please. That is just iconic. Stiles sighed annoyed passing the phone to Derek. "You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you." He said in disbelief, Derek grabbing the phone from him to speak with Scott. 

I sat up straight getting Stiles' attention. He turned around to look at me, a small smile gracing his handsome face. 

"Hey there sleeping beauty, how was your nap?" He asked with a silly smile. I reached my hand, rubbing it over my eyes to wake me up more. 

"Tiring honestly," I answered tiredly. You know that feeling when you unintentionally fall asleep only to wake up even more tired than before? Yeah...that's happening right now. "What's the plan?" 

Stiles hesitated a bit, looking over at Derek who was still talking on the phone, and then back at me. His eyes were tired and he overall looked like he wanted to pass out. But he still managed to give me a small smile. 

"If you want I can drop you home on the way to the animal clinic. You don't need to suffer here with moody werewolf anymore." Stiles joked but it was so weak. I know he is just trying to look out for me but there is no way I am leaving him with Derek alone. 

"No, no, no. We rescued this grumpy dog from the street together might as well get him to the vet together as well." I joked. Stiles laughed at my joke only to be shushed by Derek clearing his throat. He was giving us this murderous look that was piercing through me as if he had dug his claws into me. Dang, does he have a license for those eyes? 

"Any more jokes and I will tear you limp to limp, both of you." Derek threatened. Opting not to grate the injured wolf more Stiles got back on the road and we made our way towards the animal clinic in town. 

Once we arrived there I helped Derek out of the car carefully. We don't want him to crash face-first on the pavement now do we? Even if he would deserve it for threatening us so much. Stiles opened the first set of doors and went to work on the lock on the door leading to the clinic while Derek crashed onto the pile of dog food. 

He surely does not look good. If possible he is even paler than he was earlier today. His forehead is glistening with sweat and the veins near his wound are swelling. I am no doctor, I am actually really squeamish around the sight of blood, needles, and veins but I can tell that this is not healthy. I wonder how did I not faint yet. 

Should I say something to him to make him feel better? Do werewolves accept sympathy or something? How am I supposed to act around him? I seriously don't know but I know that my heart is screaming at me to do something. Damn the annoying voice coming from my conscience. 

Just friends (Stiles Stilinski) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now