Chapter 2

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2 |  Can't help but blush

You look toward Blaise and Draco, who were sitting at the table behind you and Harry. Their eyes were widen as you both get settled at a table with them.

"Alright." Harry starts and Draco mutters something under his breath. Harry glares at him and starts to hold your hand. Then he continues speaking about the potions assignment.
You glance towards Draco and it seems that he's almost trying to avoid looking at you. He has a cold expression on his face like always, but he seems kind of anxious.

"Malfoy," you whisper to him from across the table. "Are you okay?" He glances at you with the same cold expression but it slowly fades, once he realizes you're actually concerned for him.

"yes." He breathes, looking you in eyes. He looks away once he realizes he's staring but he glances at you often while working on the assignment.

After a while you all finish the assignment and you hand it into the professor. Then you walk back to the table as Snape dismisses the class. Once you get back to the table only Draco remains. He stands up while you grab your books and as you turn to leave, he grabs your wrist.

"That's mine." He says, looking toward your arm.

"H-Huh?" You stammered as he looks you into your eyes. Your heart beats fast

"My book." He states while he lets go of your wrist. You realize that you've accidentally taken his book along with yours.

"Oh- uh- right." You mumble and hand him his book. He takes it from you and you walk towards the door but you glance at him one last time before you leave and he has a small smirk on his face. Your mind fills with happiness as skip down the hallways but when you turn the corner you run into someone.

"Oh hey Y/N" Harry says.

"Hey Harry!" You say happily as you start to walk with him down the halls.

"What's with the enthusiasm?" He smiles.

"Oh, nothing." You say. A few seconds go by when you realize he's staring at you.

"What?" You laugh a little. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No" he laughs. "I just think... you're really pretty.." He looks at the ground and blushes but soon enough, you realize that you're blushing as well.

Later that day, at dinner you notice that Draco can't keep his eyes off you. You glance at him every once in a while and you get all giddy inside.

"Y/N." Hermione laughs. "What are you blushing at?"

"What? I'm not blushing!" You detest.

"Sure." She says sarcastically as you try to stop the blushing.

"You look like a tomato." Ron teases.
"Must be Harry's presence." You roll your eyes at him as you think about what's really making you blush. The boy you have a fake relationship because of, the boy you write in your diary about, and the boy you hope to call yours one day.

Once dinner is over, everyone leaves the dining hall and starts walking to their dormitories, but you sit on the common room sofa by the fireplace. Soon enough, the whole place goes quiet.

"What are you doing out here?" Harry says, exiting his dorm and joining you by the fire.

"Not tired." You shrug. "What about you?"

"Can't sleep." He says. You nod and you both go quiet for minute.

"You really think this plan will work?" You ask him, expressing some doubt.

"Of course, I'm a genius." He jokes, making you laugh while you rest your head on his shoulder. Your eyes slowly start to close as you hear Harry say "not tired huh?" And then you fall asleep.

"Good morning, Y/n." Hermione says as your eyes open. You wake up in your bed in the girls dormitory with a confused look on your face while Hermione looks at you concerned.

"How'd I get here?" You look around with a dazed look on your face.

"You don't remember?" Hermione laughs and you look at her baffled.

"What do you mean?" You question.

"Harry guided you to bed last night." She says, making her bed. "You were half asleep."

"Oh." You reply, getting out of bed.

"Well, get ready why don't you? We have classes today." Hermione states.

"R-right." You say. Then you put on your school uniform, step into the common room, and start walking through the halls with Hermione.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now