Chapter 9

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9| Chaotic yet lovely

You and Ginny walk onto the quittage field together toward a group of people in quittage uniform. You stand off to the side as Ginny walks over to the other players. Then you sit on the grass aside from the group and open your potions book. You start reading it and when you glance over at the team you catch Harry staring at you. He instantly looks away. The captain starts speaking as you continue to study. The muffled sound of the captain giving directions is soon interrupted by a voice.

"Pottah!" An angry voice calls out. Everyone looks over to where it's coming from to see Draco Malfoy rushing closer to Harry. You instantly put your book down and stand up.

"You foul git!" He yells aggressively as he pushes Harry to the ground. Then Harry gets up, pushes him back and Malfoy mutters "you girlfriend stealing prat." As they continue to fight. You run over to see the commotion but everyone is surrounding them and you can barely see. By the time you can get to them, people are separating them and someone is carrying Harry off to the hospital wing. Draco just stands there with his messed up hair, a loosened tie and slight bruises while he glares off at Harry.

"What is wrong with you Malfoy?!" You walk up to him and shove him. He looks at you angrily for a moment.

"Just-" he pauses. "leave me alone
Y/N." Then he storms off. You turn around, full of shock, anger and worry all at the same time and walk up to Ginny.

"I'm going to go check on Harry." You tell her and she nods. Then you run off into the school, rushing through the hallways.

"Woah-" you crash into someone. You look up to see Fred Weasley.

"Where are you off to?" He says with a charming smile but it slowly fades when he sees your facial expression.

"I've don't have time for this Fred!" You snap.

"What's wrong?" He asks in a concerned tone.

"I have to go." You mutter as you run past him to the hospital wing. When you get in there you see Harry lying on his bed. He lays there in his quittage outfit with bruises on his face and broken glasses. "Harry!" You say while you walk over and have seat on a chair next to the bed.

"Oh Y/N." He says, surprised to see me. "Didn't think you'd visit."

"Of course I would." You say, looking at him questioningly as you start to hold his hand. "You're my best friend."

"I just thought that after all the-"

"-Harry." You mutter, interrupting him. "I'm the one who got you into this mess." Then he starts to sit up and you flinch.

"I'm fine Y/N, really." He smiles restlessly with a small chuckle. You return the smile and put your hand on his face, circling his bruises with your thumb.

"I'm glad." You say, looking him in the eyes as he stares back at you. His restless gaze starts to move toward your lips, you can feel his heavy breathing as you close your eyes and you both lean in to kiss each other. The kiss lasts a very passionate minute until you get interrupted.

"Blimey." You hear Ron say as you and Harry separate and look toward the doorway. You see both him and Hermione standing there.

"Ron!" Hermione mutters to him, nudging his shoulder while pulling him out of the room. You and Harry let out a breath and look at each other smiling and laughing as he starts getting tired. His eyes start to close while you held his hand.

"... I love you." He mutters tiredly before falling asleep. You glance at him, admiring him with a small smile as you let go of his hand and stand up. You walking over to the doorway and turn around. You smile to yourself.

"I love you too." You whisper under your breath and you walk out of the room.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now