Chapter 18

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18 | Still

You walk down the hall to potions class and enter the classroom.

"You're late." Snape says in a very critical tone.

"i was busy with-" you start to ramble but he stops you.

"Sit down." he speaks impatiently.

You look around the classroom for a seat and meet eyes with Harry but you both look away instantly and when you do you spot and empty seat next to Draco. You take the seat and he glance at you then he looks back toward the front of the classroom with a slight smile. Next snape assigns everyone reading. Everyone pulls out their books and begins reading. The classroom is relatively quiet but soon you hear a whisper in your direction.

"So you plan on falling again in class today?" Draco whispers to you and you roll your eyes.

"Shut up." you say with a slight laugh.

"What page are you on?" He says as he moves a little closer to look at your book. "You've only read 2 pages?"

"i've been kind of distracted lately." You shrug and notice he was looking at your right in the eyes.

"So have I." He says as he leans in and lays a kiss on your cheek. When he pulls away you both keep eye contact for a moment until you hear someone clear their throat. Then you both go back to focusing on your reading.

When class ends Draco picks up his books and glances at you with a smirk before leaving. You begin to walk toward the door to exit the classroom but you hear the same person clear their throat again from earlier.

"You love me, huh?" Harry says as he walks by you, nudging your shoulder.

You stay quiet but you feel an ache in your heart as you exit. The idea of fixing your relationship with Harry felt hopeless at the moment. You felt like it gets worse everyday.

"Hey." Draco approaches you after you left the classroom.

"Hey." you reply with a slight smile.

"Come with me." he says as he pulls you into the nearest closet.

"Wha-" you say with a confused look on your face.

"Look y/n." he says with a serious tone. "i know we've been through a lot but i need to tell you something."

"Oh." you say, almost knowing exactly what was coming next. "Go ahead."

"i still have feelings for you, y/n." he speaks while looking you in the eyes. You knew what he was going to say but oddly the words still stunned you. You didn't know what to say. Heck, you didn't even know what to feel.

"Draco I-" You say but he kisses you. You felt connected and in the heat of the moment you kiss him back. The kiss lasts for a bit until you pull away. He has a smile on his face but when he realizes you don't, it fades.

"I can't do this." You say to him looking down.

"Why not?" he asks you concerned and you stay quiet for a moment but then you speak up.

"I uh-" you start. "I'm still in love with Harry."

He looks down at the ground with a hurt expression for a moment. "Of course you are." he says in an upset tone before exiting the closet. You exit the closet shortly after and start walking down the hall until you hear commotion in the other direction.
You look down the hall and see Harry and Draco arguing. Then you head toward them.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now