Chapter 20

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or so you thought...

20 | betrayal

These past few weeks with Harry had been going wonderful. There is so much connection between the two of you. You are very happy to be with him as he is with you. You think about him as you pile up your books in the library. The way his smile makes you happy, the beautiful color in his eyes makes you swoon, and the way his gentle hands felt in yours. You're just so content with being with him, you can't imagine being with anyone else.

You clutch your books in your arm as you walk out of the library after a long few hours of studying. There's a big potions test tomorrow and you hadn't been doing so well in that class lately. Although after all that studying you just did, you felt a lot more confident.

"party in the common room!" George and Fred yell rushing past you with joyous laughter. Your books fall to the ground so you pick them and follow after the twins. They make their way into the common room and you approach the entrance shortly after but someone stops you.

"Wait, wait, y/n." Ron holds your shoulder and speaks hurriedly. "don't go in there."

"what? why?" you say as he looks behind him frantically. Your eyebrows scrunch from confusion. You have no idea what's going on and you start to get frustrated with him. Eventually you just shove past him.

"y/n wait!" Ron shouts as you walk through. He attempts to grab on to your wrist but fails and you start to look through the crowd. Your whole world stops as you see Harry. It feels like everything is in slow motion as you watch it all happen. You can feel your heart instantly shatter into a million pisces. You see Hermione glance at you with a empathetic expression and Ron looking wide eyed, but worst of all you see Harry, kissing another girl. Though this wasn't just any other girl. It was one of the only people you found friendship in troublesome times.
Ginny Weasley.

You watched Harry and Ginny's expression of shock before you turn to ran. You had tears falling down your face as Harry ran after you. You quickly entered the girls dormitory's and slammed the door shut.

"Y/n!!" Harry's voice shouted through the door as you had your back against it. You slid to the ground and put your head down on your knees, letting out a silent but passionate cry. Watching the betrayal of a friend and lover happen right in front of you made you want to never get out of bed again.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now