Chapter 11

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11 | Misunderstandings

You and Harry's relationship has been great, you've been so happy together. Well at least you were happy together before something happened. You looked at Harry from across the room. The whole month you were on good  terms was ruined by just one night. 

—— flashback ——

You were enjoying your time at a party that night when someone walked up to you.

"Hm?" They tapped your shoulder and you turned around. "Oh hey."

"Hey y/n." Hermione said to you. She seemed to be a little down.

"You okay, Hermione?"

"Yeah." She said with a small smile on her face. "Let's go get some pumpkin juice." She dragged your wrist over to the table, although you knew she just didn't want to talk about it. She placed two cups on the table and filled them with pumpkin juice as you looked around the room. You looked at Harry and he smiled at you so you waved at him before you turned back to Hermione, who had been practically sitting on the ground.

"What're you doing?" You asked her concerned.

"just dropped my book." She said before getting up. "Your drink is on the table." She pointed to your drink as Hermione held hers in her hand and started sipping it. You picked yours up and began to drink some as well.  However, when you put the cup down you felt something come over you. Hermione noticed your strange facial expression and asked if you were okay.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I Just-" You stopped and looked around the room. Hermione still looked concern. "I'm gonna go." You spoke before walking off.

"Wait y/n!" She shouted after you but you could barely hear her over the music and you had already almost left the room. She had been concerned but she didn't follow you. You walked into a room with sofas so you had a seat. The room was really crowded and your head had been starting to hurt from the loud music that was playing but before you thought about leaving the party someone had approached you.

"Y/n." A familiar voice said as they had a seat next to you. You looked at the guy who had spoke to you and realized it was Draco. You looked at him and noticed something weird. For some reason you felt this odd attraction to him. You felt butterflies in your stomach.

"Hey.. Draco." You spoke, staring into his eyes that you had thought looked breathe taking at the time. Your hand wanted to hold his so you gently grabbed his hand and he looked down at it. In that moment you weren't even thinking about Harry, all your heart seemed to think about was Draco, and in no time you leaned in to kiss him. You kissed him for a moment and leaned back for him to react. Then he kissed you back and you were kissing for about 3 minutes until Hermione came in the room.

"She went in this direction Harry." She spoke before she turned her head to see you and when she did she gasped. "Oh- my-"

"What's wrong? Is she okay?" Harry came rushing in the room behind her.
"I-" Harry froze as you and Draco separated. A tear streamed down his face as he could barely find the words to speak, and he didn't. He just walked out of the room quietly while Hermione rushed after to check on him.

You looked over to Draco to find a small smirk on his smug face. You almost went to kiss him again but more people came in the room.

"Is that y/n?" Fred asked his twin brother, pointing you out to him. George looked confused as he came over. He sort of looked angry as well, but not at you.

"Y/n!" Fred had yelled over at you and you looked up to see George rushing over. Draco had stood up as George pushed him backwards,

"get away from her." George shouted aggressively as people around you went "oooo" then they started shouting "fight" over and over again and the next thing you remembered is getting dizzy  and waking up.

"Ughh," you woke up in bed confused. Not only were you confused by the lack of memory, you had also been wondering why you woke up in the infirmary. You started to sit up as Fred and George had started walking over to you. They must've been waiting for you to wake up.

"How are you feeling y/n?" George spoke in a concerned tone. You looked at him confused for a moment.

"I'm fine- I just-" you paused. "What happened?"

They looked at each other for a moment and then Fred started to explain. "You passed out from all the commotion last night."and that's when you started thinking about last night and the realization instantly caught up to you.

"Yeah I-" George started to speak but you interrupted him.

"Oh my god- I kissed Draco." Your eyes were wide as you buried your face in your hands. You had a major headache.

"y-yes you did.. but uh..." Fred started.

"It wasn't your fault." George continued and you looked up from your hands.

"Yes it was!" You blamed yourself, you don't know why you had those instant feelings of attractions but you had no one else to blame. "I leaned in and kissed him, I wasn't even thinking about Harry and I-I-"  a tear streamed down your face and you couldn't bring yourself to speak.

"Y/n, Draco put a love potion on you."
George blurted out.

"A love potion? How do you know?"

"We uh.. kind of sold it to him." Fred admitted.

"You what?!" You felt upset with them, it's sounded as if they had planned it.

"Wait listen." Fred told you before George started explaining.

"He came in and bought one, but we had absolutely no idea what he was going to use it for."

You understood now, it wasn't their fault, and it wasn't yours, but it was Draco's and you were incredibly upset with him.

"Oh." You said.

——— flashback over ———

Then they let you out of the infirmary and now you're sitting at lunch, far from Harry because he's avoiding you.


Alright so, this chapter is basically the beginning of part 2 for this book. A lot of you had asked for it soooo here we are! I hope you enjoy it, I'll post a new chapter soon.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now