Chapter 14

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14 | Misread the situation

Once you walk over to the Slytherin table you approach Pansy.

"Uh, can I talk to you?" You say awkwardly in front of the other Slytherins. Pansy looks at you confused for a moment before agreeing.

"Uh sure." She says as you pull her aside.

"What is up with you?" You grumble.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been looking at me weirdly all day." You complain and she looks down at the ground then back at you.

"Look," she pauses. "Can you at least just talk to Draco so he can finally stop moping?"

"What?" You snarl. "No way."

"Come on, you're probably the only person who can get him out of there."

"But why would I want to?"

"Look, I know we aren't friends," she starts explaining. "But I really miss Draco so couldn't you just-"

"No." You mutter before walking away but she speaks up so you look back at her.

"Y/n, please." She looks pretty desperate and you start to feel bad for her. I mean, Draco is practically her best friend and she's worried about him. You look at her for a moment, debating it, until you finally give in.

"Fine." You say. You can't believe you're doing this. You're on your way to the Slytherin common room with Pansy, all so you can talk with the guy who literally put a love potion on you.

"He's in there." Pansy points to a dormitory and you walk toward it and knock on the door. No answer. You shrug at Pansy and start to walk away but she stop you.

"No stop, just uh, go in." She whispers from like 10 feet away. You roll your eyes and face the door again, turning the door knob slowly. You look back at Pansy before pushing the door open and she waves her hand at you to go in. Then you open the door slowly and peek in. At first you only see a dark room but when you open the door a little more, you see Draco sitting at a desk, staring at his hands.

"Ahem." You speak up and he looks at you coldly at first but then it fades more into a shocked expression, your presence had taken him by suprise.

"What are you doing here?" He mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"Just uh-" you pause, trying to come up with a reason. "Just.. checking on you" You breathed.

"And why would you want to do that?" He asks confused.

"Well you missed all your classes.."

"Is that so abnormal?" He inquires.

"Uh.. yeah, actually." You mention before pulling up a chair next to him at the desk. He stays silent for a moment until he speaks up.

"I regret it." He blurts out but then he continues to mutter. "It was impulsive, and I shouldn't have done it." You were taken back by his admittance but nonetheless, you still don't forgive him.

"You're right, you shouldn't have." You spoke. "But sulking around doesn't help anyone.." you attempt convince him. ".. And people miss you."

Draco looks up at you in the eyes for a moment. "... I miss you too." He says, seeming to completely misread the entire situation. He begins to lean in for a kiss and your mind goes into panic mode. Then you hear a gasp coming from the doorway but when you turn around no one's there so you turn back to Draco.

"That's uh.. not what I meant." You say, breaking the news to him before standing up, walking out of the room and shutting the door. You start to walk out of the dormitory but before you can, someone pulls you aside.

"What did you do?!" Pansy fumes.

"What do you mean? I did what you asked!"

"I asked you to talk to him, not kiss him!" She accuses you. She was the gasp you heard earlier at the door. Although she left before she could see that you didn't kiss.

"We did not!" You say defensively but she doesn't seem to believe you.

"I saw him lean in!"


"Whatever y/n" she rolls her eyes before walking away into her dormitory and you storm out of the Slytherin common room. You were even more upset over everything now. I mean, you try to help someone and they accuse you of kissing the person who practically caused all the issues that are going on right now. Then you bump into someone.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now