Chapter 22

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22 | complications of romance

You couldn't believe Harry had the audacity to compare both situations. "it's not the same Harry."

"How is it not the same??" Harry says. "You kissed Draco while we were together."

You shake your head in disagreement. "yeah, but i was under the effects of a love potion, what's your excuse?"

"look, she kissed me alright?" He glared at you, waiting for you to say something back.

"and you didn't pull away?" You scrunch your eyebrows from frustration and confusion. Harry wasn't making any sense at all to you, it was almost infuriating.

"what was i supposed to do?!" he raises his voice. "embarrass her??"

"well yeah!!" you shout furiously. "She shouldn't have been trying to kiss her best friend's boyfriend anyway!"

"ex boyfriend." Harry says while shoving past you and exiting the classroom. Everything that had just happened fills your mind with mixed emotions. You felt like crying and punching a wall at the same time.

"you're an idiot potter." You mutter to him before he exits. A tear drops from your eye and you rush out of the classroom, heading out to the quidditch field. You sit in the middle of it, crossing your arms and resting your head on your knees. This is nice, you needed some peace and quiet. The breeze brushes against you as you hear the faint sound of birds chirping. Out here there was no one to disturb you or yell at you or-

"y/n?" you heard someone's voice say as you look up. "what're you doing out here?" Draco stares down at your confused as he sits down next to you on the grass.


"i'm just.." you start, looking for a reason. you didn't really have a reason. Well you did, just not one you'd want to explain. "getting some fresh air."

"hm." he responds, still looking a bit confused. Or maybe something's bothering him. You both sit in silence as you look down at the ground, gathering your thoughts together while Draco seems to be avoiding any instance of eye contact. You truly bask in the awkwardness of the situation after about a minute or so.

"i'm sorry." you speak up and he stays silent for a bit. You didn't really know what else to say. You've apologized so many times for the ups a downs of your relationship that it was practically routine.

"it's alright, y/n." He finally speaks up, though barely muttering his words. "i'd always known you liked Harry anyway, my feelings were just so strong at the time and i-" he pauses after seeing your face. "what's wrong?"

"Harry and I are through." you say with teary eyes and a shaky voice. there's still a sensitivity to his name spoke in a sentence. you can't help but feel the emotions swirl when you hear the sound. it all reminds you of that recent fretful night full of heartbreak.

"-oh." he seems surprised as he runs the back of his head out of awkwardness. "-im sorry."

this time you were the quiet one. You were a little too upset to speak. "it's okay." you managed to say after a bit of silence. He placed his arm around you a pulled you into a small side hug as a few tears fell from your eye. You lie your head on his shoulder and he rubs your arm to comfort. The emotions in your heart keep swirling but suddenly so do the butterflies in your stomach. He looks at you in the eye for the first time in a while, looking down at your tearful face with empathy. You pick your head up and lay a soft kiss on his cheek before lying your head back down. He smiles while glancing at you sideways as he entangles his fingers with yours. His thumb moves in circular motions on your hand, giving you a sense of comfort. Draco slouches his back a bit and you lift your head up from the sudden movement. His eyes meet yours and a sudden wave of passion arrives. Your lips end up colliding and your hand moves to hold Draco's head. He sets his hand on the grass on the other side of you and you end up falling backward onto the grass as the kiss continues. You both smile  face to face for a moment before he places a few kisses on your jawline and down your neck. Then he lays down beside you, breathing in the fresh air.

"You two!!" You hear someone's voice yell from across the field. "get to class!" They start to walk toward you but you and Draco hurry away laughing.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now