Chapter 23

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23 | your eyes

Your bond with Draco grows over the next few days. You talk together, laugh together, smile together, all the things you used to do with Harry. You like Draco but you still aren't over what happened recently. It still hurts to look at Harry when you're walking through the halls or having dinner in the dining hall. You think back to the words he said to you last.

ex boyfriend.

it was hard to even comprehend the recent events. You can't really understand Harry. This whole thing doesn't make much sense to you at all really, you're just really confused.

"What's wrong?" Draco looks at your with confused eyes. He places his hand on your arm out of concern. Though your eyes are busy. Busy doing the same thing the always do, looking at Harry. You have been looking at him holding hands with Ginny. You can't help but remember how that was you a week ago. You had been content with Harry just as Ginny is now. The smile he gives her reminds you of the ones he gave you.

"Are you okay?" Draco speaks, moving his head in front of your vision, snapping you back to reality.

"Yeah, i'm fine." you respond as he grabs your hand. You look down at his hand wrapped around yours and glance over his shoulder again to see Harry. Except this time he was staring back. Your eyes stay on each other for a few seconds before Draco turns around. He sees Harry and looks back at you. He had a confused look on his face as he drops your hand and walks away.

"Draco wait." You say to him but it's no use, he continues walking. You look back to Harry but he isn't there. The only people left standing there was Luna Lovegood and..


"What the hell Weasley?" You say walking up to her. She looks at you surprised. She hadn't expected you to confront her about it. "Why'd you kiss my boyfriend?"

Luna walks away before Ginny speaks up. "It was in the moment, y/n."

"right and dating him was in the moment too right?" you fire back. Your emotions swirl around as you talk. Your anger and sadness all want to come out but you try your best to conceal, although it doesn't work much. "Did our friendship ever mean anything to you?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Oh really?" You respond in utter frustration. "What did i ever do to you?"

"It's not what you did, it's what you didn't do." She continues before you can speak up. "Remember my last few quidditch games?"


"Yeah, you don't remember because you never came. You never came to any of the games you said you'd come to, you never put any work into our friendship. All you ever talked about was your problems with Harry and you never bothered to ask how i was. I wasn't your therapist y/n, and apparently i wasn't your friend either."

You say nothing as she walks away. You couldn't think of anything to say really. Your head swirls with the frustration of trying to comprehend everything. Tears fall down your bright red face as you hurry to the dormitories. Everyone staring at you made you feel even more alone. You enter the common room and start making your way into the girls dormitory but you crash into someone.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now