**Draco Ending**

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"Hey.." You say while approaching Harry, hesitant to know what words will come out of his mouth next.

He winces. "It was always him wasnt it..?"


"No." He cuts you off. "I don't want to hear your excuses. Everytime we broke up, Youd give me the same ones. You probably gave him the same ones too."

"Harry it's not like that- I was just confused."

"Confused?" He lets out a laugh of disbelief. "I should be the one confused. You dragged me into this drama and for what?" He speaks fast and angry. "Just to lead me on?"

You look at him bewildered. "First of all, I didn't drag you into this." You can feel your anger start to rise. "You were the one who suggested we fake date in the first place. You can't be mad at me for leading yourself on."

"You think i lead myself on?" He scoffed. "That's rich coming from the girl who went back and forth between two- or well who knows how many men you've been snogging this year, I wouldn't be surprised if there were more."

You felt the anger shaking at your fingertips, you wanted to punch him so bad but a small bit of guilt in the pit of your stomach held you back. "You would know, you read my diary. What kind of person would read someone's personal secrets and emotions like that? I would expect this from Pansy, But I would never- ever-" You stumble on your words as you feel tears attempting to stumble out of you. "expect this from someone i used to be in love with."

"Used to be?" Harry's breath shakes.

You hesitantly nod as you try to push all the tears back and bring your voice to a more stable tone but that barely made a difference as you carried on. "You initiated a fake relationship with me, even though you had real feelings for me. You think i'm the source of all the drama but i think it's you."

"that's not true." He shakes his head"

"Oh really? You broke Ginny's heart just so you could make me jealous!"

"You did the same thing for Draco." He shot back.

"It's not the same thing!" You tell him. "Our relationship was fake then. You let her believe yours was real. You led her on."

"You led me on." He lets out a heavy breath and his eyebrows scrunch almost as if he were trying to validate his own actions in his head. "You went back and forth between me and Draco as if you were trying to decide what to have for breakfast. I'm not eggs, Y/n. You should've made a choice a long time ago."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore."

"What do you mean?" His eyes dart up at you.

You look him right back in the eyes sternly. "Eggs are starting to make me nauseous." you tell him as you walk away.

You keep walking and you stride down the hallway looking for the person you should've stuck with a long time ago. You stop until you spot his blonde hair down the hall. You wander toward the group of people he's in and you shout his name. He turns and you immediately take his hand and pull him into the nearest closet.

He looks around. "Deja vu." he says. "Last time we were in here you were mad at me.

"Right." You remember. "for the love potion."

He looks down and takes a breath. "Yeah."

You can tell he feels guilty for it, and he should , but you've gotten over it. "i forgive you for that, you know?" you grab his hands.

He smiles and nods. "The day we first kissed it had felt like you were the one who put a love potion on me."

You smile back as you trace his sleeve with your fingers but you can see the look on his face change quickly.

"What about Harry?" He looked away. "You kissed him."

"That was a mistake." You tell him even though you know that wasn't a good enough excuse. ".. Look the thing we have is so much more important to me.. Your name is written all over my diary ever since the first few pages."

He smiles at that information. "Did you get it back?"

"Found Harry reading it." You sigh.

"Lovely." He spoke sarcastically and you let out a small laugh. "What did you say to him?"

"I told him I don't like eggs anymore." You shrug and he looks at you confused. "He's out of the picture now." You clear up. "Forever."
He eyes you as you speak. "Draco I- I don't want to do this back and forth thing anymore. I want it to be you. Only you. And i really really hope you can for-" You would've kept talking but he pulls you in for a kiss. And when your lips separate he whispers into your ear.

" I was hoping you'd say that. "

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora