Chapter 10

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10 | not apart of the plan

Your friendship with Harry is starting to get better. You've started talking to him, sitting with him in class again and talking to each other at dinner but you still aren't close as you used to be. Obviously there was still a bit of tension between everything but for the past week, everything had been going well. Well except for the constant glares and snarky remarks you've received from Draco. He would often shove past you and mutter something under his breath and always glares at you during dinner in the great hall. Although, you can't blame him. You aren't exactly proud of the way you dumped you and Draco's relationship on the spot just because you were in love with someone else, but you suppose it wouldn't have been quite fair to lead him on. It's strange how the time flies really, a month ago you were sitting right in this exact spot, drooling over Draco. Now, you can barely even look him in the eye without feeling a little guilty. He seems quite hurt from the whole thing, I mean, he would have to be if he'd pick a fight with someone over it. That was quite a crazy situation. Your brain skims through the memories of the past 3 weeks, some good, some bad. Was all the drama you caused worth it? You ask yourself. If it hadn't been for that plan no ones would be hurt right now. You wouldn't have had to put those two boys through hurt and anger. You start to feel bad and your mind starts to think sorrowfully. You look over towards the Slytherin table once more and this time you were staring Draco right into his cold, hurt eyes. You stand up from the Gryffindor table, determined to speak to him. You brush off your robe and begin walking over to him. He locks eyes with you as you can see a bit of panic on his face. He attempts to keep his cool, but you can tell he's internally freaking out by the way his eyes are glancing back and forth as well as his sort of nervous body language. Once you make it over to the table you stand right behind him while Pansy and Blaise look at you curiously. Although, Draco doesn't look behind him.

"Ahem." You start. "Mind if I steal Malfoy for a moment?" You ask the group. Blaise's facial expression starts to grow into an amused one and he says the word "Sure."

"Blaise!" Draco mutters under his breath as you roll your eyes and Blaise shoots you a smile and you return it. Then you gently pull on Draco's arm and he walks with you into the hallway.

"What?" He grumbles as you look at him. He seems a bit frustrated. You look for the words to say and eventually you find them.

"Look Malfoy, I just wanted to apologize for sort of leading you on." You stammer as he glances at you. "I-I know it was wrong and I'm sorry."

"Good" he mutters with a cold expression while he looks off into the distance. You pause and there's a silence between you two.

"-so are we cool?" You ask him with a questioning expression on your face.

"Cool?" He scoffs with a snarky tone in his voice. "Of course we're not cool." Then he looks at you once more before walking back into the dining hall. Darn it. There was nothing you could say to get him to forgive you. Of course he didn't have to, you just want to know you aren't on bad terms. When really, you are. You rush back over to the Gryffindor table in a bad mood. You have a seat back in your spot as Harry stares at you. He doesn't say anything for a minute until he finally does.

"Uhm-" he pauses, looking at you questioningly. "Are you alright?"

You look at him. His sympathetic eyes put a smile on your face. "I'm fine." You say to him as he picks up your hand that's laying in the table. He starts to hold it and looks you in the eyes.

"Good." He replies with a nod and looks away blushing. You start to feel like you have butterflies in your stomach and you can't stop blushing. A smile is placed on your face and it's hard to remove. He makes you happy. So maybe it didn't go according to plan but was all the drama really worth it? You look at him once more, with a fond expression your face. Yes. You thought to yourself. Of course it was.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now