chapter 25

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25 | here we go again

You head down to the dining hall with Hermione and have a seat with her at the far end of the table, far from Harry. Although it didn't seem far enough considering you could still see him. You remember your argument with Ginny as you look at her laughing with Harry. She tilts her head on to his shoulder, making you wince a little with heartbreak. It wasn't fun seeing them together, but you have finally realized this is reality. Ginny and Harry are together, it isn't him and you anymore. The thought breaks your heart but it's true nonetheless. Ginny's eyes catch you staring and she crosses her arms and glares before turning her attention back to her conversation.

"y/n-" Hermione says noticing your gloomy stares in their direction, but before she could say more you got up from the table and hurried out of the dining hall. You took a seat on the floor against the wall as you felt a tear roll down your cheek. You couldn't really understand why you were crying. Maybe it was because of your break up with Harry, maybe it was because your friendship with Ginny is officially over, or maybe it was because-

"are you okay, y/n?" you hear voice walk near you and you lift your head up to see Draco.
You really hadn't expected to see him.

"i'm fine." you say wiping the tears from your eyes. He holds his hand out to help you up and you take it. His hand feels nice in yours, spectacular even. And a moment between you arises as you'd stare into each other's eyes. He notices a tear falling down your face and gently wipes it off with his thumb. He has a neutral concerned expression on his face as you lay your head on his shoulder. but eventually he holds you tight in his arms. He doesn't really know what to say so he just says nothing at all, though his presence is still helping. your breathing is shallow as you pick up your head, your body close to his because he still has his arms around your waist. His hands move in a comforting motion as you're stuck staring in each other's eyes. He pushes the hair out of your eyes and stares down at your lips. You lean in a bit hesitantly, wanting to fill in the space between you two but before you can Draco goes into to kiss you passionately. It starts there but then he slowly kiss down your neck. Your breathing is heavy as his hands move to your waist. You kiss him on the lips once more before he grabs your hand and you both rush down the hall giddily on your way to the Slytherin common room.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now