Chapter 29

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29 | misconceptions

"What the hell?!" You mutter hastily while tossing your bedsheets and pillows to the floor. You just woke up and are searching your mind for any possibilities.

"What's wrong?" Padma Patil asks you.

"Nothing." You wave her off for a second but you realize you could use the help. "I uh just... misplaced something."

"Well." She puts her robe on. "What did you misplace?"

"My diary."

"Oh..." She looks surprised. "well where did you have it before?"

".. under my pillow." you respond and she looks at you a little disappointedly.

".. you had a diary... that you wrote all your secrets in... and you put it under your pillow..?"

"..yes?" You sigh. "It was the easiest place for me to remember it.. So i'm not sure how I even lost it."

"Maybe someone stole it." She shrugs and your eyes widen.

"Oh god Pansy." You mutter underneath your breath.

"Pansy? Sucks to be on her bad side." She mentions. "But then again.. who isn't?"


"No way." She stares at you. "You've been with Draco?" "She must hate you."

"I knoww." You whine with your face in your hands.

"i wouldn't want her having my secrets that's for sure." She piles on and you gasp.

"Oh god my secrets." You said hurriedly as you exit the room. "Sorry gotta go."

You hurry out the door and staring rushing down the hall until you suddenly remember class exits.

"Ughhh." You groan. "Potions class." You reroute to the classroom and when you get there you arrive a bit a late. You try to scurry to a seat quietly but you can't get away with much in Snape's classroom.

"You're late." He mentions and you nod.

"Sorry, I.."

"Sit down." He stares blankly as you turn to find a seat. Harry smirks at you as you walk by. You can't sit with him though. Well because he's sitting with Ron and your relationship with Harry right now is a little... forbidden. You turn your head to see Draco further back in the class. He whispers to Blaise and then glares at you. 'Great, she must've already told him.' you think as you stare at her sitting behind them. She glances at you and then looks away. Probably because she didn't want you to sit in the empty seat next to her, but you did it anyway.

"Alright, now..." Snape starts to instruct the class as you open your book.

"So," You say quietly to Pansy. "you make it a habit to mess with people's relationships."

"no." she exhales, turning a page in her book. "but you do."

"You and Draco were never together it's not the same."

"You're right, we were never together." she mentions. "but we still- well, we weren't just friends."

"what do you mean by that?!"

"We kissed." She tells you. "Last night."

"no fucking way." You mutter and she smirks at you. Then you grab a piece of paper and crumble it out of anger while proceeding to throw it at the back of Draco's head.

He turns around suddenly. "What the hell?!" he mutters angrily at you.

"Detention." Snape snaps. "All three of you."

"That's not fair" Harry quickly comes to your defense and Draco's facial expression grows to be even more annoyed.

"Oh?" Snape looks down on him. "Then i suppose you can think about how 'unfair' it is in detention."

Harry goes silent and crosses his arms as the rest of class is pretty uneventful except for the constant glares going around the room. Once it's over everyone leaves the room except for you, Draco, Pansy, and Harry. Snape would be in the room, except he's busy having a chat with Dumbledore.

"You just had to get us thrown in detention didn't you, y/n?" Pansy speaks up, interrupting the deathly silence floating around the room.

"it's your fault we're in here." you snap at her.

"Pansy didn't do anything." Draco glares at you.

"Of course you'd come to her defense." You scoff.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Oh you know exactly what it means."

"Oh yeah?!" He snorts. "That's a lot coming from you."

"Leave her alone." Harry chimes in and you look at the ground to avoid eye contact with him. You feel guilty for what happened between you two yesterday.

"No one asked you Potter." Draco retorts. "Stay out of this."

Everyone goes silent for a minute after that but once you start thinking to yourself you just want all the fighting to end. "I'm sorry." You say.

"You should be." Pansy snarls and Draco's stares at you blankly.

"What happened between me and Harry was just... well.. a mistake." You glance at Harry but he looks away. Then you look back at Draco and his eyes are wide.

"What happened between you and Harry?" he says through clenched teeth.

"We kissed." Harry states out loud, still avoiding eye contact with you.

"YOU KISSED POTTER?!" Draco blurts.

"well this just gets better and better." Pansy smirks.

"You didn't know?!" You question him, you're  as wide eyed as he is now. "Then why were you mad?!"

"because you slid a note under my door saying you never wanted to see me again?!" He pulls a the note out of his book and slaps it on your desk. The handwriting matches the writing on Pansy's class work. She looks away guiltily.

"Pansy!" You accuse. "Are you serious?!"

She looks glances between you and Draco until she finally caves in. "Fine, I did it."

"Wait.. so you didn't steal my diary..?"

"No." She looks at you confused. "I just wanted to screw up your relationship."

"She already did that herself." Draco mentions, glaring at the wall with his arms crossed.

"Yeah well it's not like i'm the only one."

"i haven't done anything to you!"

"Right because kissing Pansy is nothing." You roll your eyes.

Draco glares at Pansy and she rolls her eyes as well.

"I lied about that too." She exhales.

"Wait.. then who has my.." you think out loud and then you suddenly gasp at the realization. "..Ginny.."

"Oh god." Harry rubs his face, reminiscing the slap.

"this is terrible." You mutter.

"Why?" Harry questions. "It's not like the secret isn't already out."

"..right." You bellow, remembering the words you wrote about the time you had with Draco last night in your Diary.

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें