Chapter 15

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15 | Terrible coincidences

"Sorry." The person mumbles as you bump into them. You look up to find the person who you've been wanting to talk to.

"Harry." You nod in a calm tone, you don't want him to walk away. He hesitated to speak for a moment.

"Y/n." He clears his throat and looks  you in the eye but looks away hastily.  "I've got to go-" he says and starts walking away but you speak up.

"Harry, wait." You blurt and he pauses for a moment and looks at you coldly."Would you just give me a moment to explain?" You breathe, hoping he'd speak up and say yes. You want to fix this and you wish he'd let you.

He turns back around and walks away without a word. You practically were out of hope for ever getting your relationship back to normal. Harry doesn't want to hear from you and it breaks your heart. You remember his laugh, his smile, the way he used to hold your hand, it's all gone now. You lie on your bed in the dormitory and stare at the roof as a tear streams down your face. You don't know if thing will ever go back to they way they used to be. All you can do is hope, but you've done just about enough of that. You were getting tired. Tired of the emotional strain this whole situation has caused. You cry yourself to sleep thinking of all the memories you've had with Harry.

The next day in potions class you start to head to the seat next to Neville, but someone is already sitting there. You look around and notice that practically all the seats are taken. Well, except for the one in the middle of the classroom. You take a deep breath before taking the seat.

The person next to you notices you after a moment. He glances at you and looks away, tensing up from you unexpectedly sitting there. Well, neither of you expected you to sit there. I mean, it was Draco after all. Although, you were surprised to see him in class after what happened the day before. You debate speaking to him. You're not sure if it'd just make it more awkward or ease the tension. You open your mouth to speak but you get interrupted.

"Ahem." Snape walks in and everyone becomes quiet as he begins his lesson.
"Today you'll be working on an assignment.." he continues. "..with your desk partners."

You glance at Draco with a surprised expression, he does the same. Then you look back to the front of the class. You thought about how awkward this would be. How terrible is it that the one day you sit next to him, you have to do an assignment with him. You feel real unlucky. You don't know how you'd get through this assignment after all that had happened. Draco glances at you constantly as Snape continues to speak.
You wonder what he was thinking. After all, yesterday had to have been terribly embarrassing as he mistook what you told him. You felt kind of bad for that. Although of course it isn't your fault for his misreading.

"This assignment will be graded based on end result." Snape continues speaking about the assignment. "If you and your partner brew the potion correctly, you pass. If incorrectly, you fail."

You didn't feel you had any chance of passing, but it's not like you were acing potion class either. Which meant it'd be relatively important to pass, so you won't fail the class. It'll be hard work, but it shouldn't be that difficult, you thought.

"What potion will we be brewing?" Harry asks after raising his hand. You glance at him for a moment before looking back to the front of the class.

"I was getting to that, Potter." Snape glares. "The potion is called Amortentia, the love potion."

All apart of the plan || A Harry and Draco love triangle x readerWhere stories live. Discover now