Chapter 14

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The next morning king John who was consumed with concern went to Harold's room.

"Harold," called John from outside Harold's room.

"Yes sir," Harold answered, rushing back to his bed pretending to be in pain.

Hearing the painful groan from Harold captured John's attention and he pushed the door open quickly and entered the room.

"Are you okay??," asked John worried.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," said Harold dismissively. "Just a small bruise."

Harold sat up slowly, "I know where they are....," he whispered to the king.


"Yes, King John the wolves."

"The wolves?" John asked.

"Yes my king! They killed all of my soldiers... all those people, they are werewolves."

"How do you know all of this Harold,"

Asked John.


"You what Harold?" John was growing suspicious.

"I heard them talking," he hissed.

"What nonsense are you telling me Harold?!"

"Their supernatural, my king, witches are real! I've seen them with my own eyes! Please you have to believe me" he begged. John was astounded by Harold's behaviour.

"I think I need... to call doctor Ramsey," John hesitated.

"I can get them I swear! I know how to kill them!"

"Harold, you didn't even return the items and money you stole from my subjects! You're sick.... I can get Ramsey to help you okay," John said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Please!" Harold begged. "I can get my best men that remained here in the castle and hunt these wolves down. Please pardon me for my wrong doings and let me prove to you that I'm good." Harold's eyes were pleading and with a sigh John granted him permission.

"Thank you sir! You won't regret this My king! I promise you."

Immediately Harold got up and called for five soldiers and went on his quest for the 'Wolves'. John stood at the top of the castles staircase with his hands behind his back staring at Harold in suspicion.

"Wasn't he injured...?" King John muttered but just threw the question through a window. "Maybe I'm just being paranoid," he whispered to himself before heading back into the castle.


Harold and the soldiers rode their horses deep into the woods. The soldiers were on guard and their hawk-like eyes searched their surroundings. Harold rode further ahead of them and smiled in a sinister way, for only he knew where they were since he was their master. He controlled them.

They hunted for two days and Harold could see that the soldiers were tired. Rolling his eyes he sighed in disappointment. His game wasn't fun anymore. He summoned four Wolves close to where they were.

"Men!" He called in pretence fright. "I see them," he used his head and slowly nodded in the direction. The soldiers up on their horses moved closer to Harold, and as the creature came into vision all the soldiers gasped at what they saw.

"What is that...," whispered a soldier in complete fright.

"It's a wolf! Don't be so alarming!" Another soldier hissed.

"Oh but it's not," said Harold.

"I am no blind man Commander, that's a wolf"

"It is a werewolf, werewolves can even talk. A hybrid. Human and wolf, but I know how to stop them! Come on! Stay quiet," said Harold with a hand on the band upon his wrist.

"It doesn't look like the creature that killed all those people though"

Harold dipped his hands in his pocket, grabbed the substance and when they got close enough, he threw it upon the Wolf.

"That's because it's not in it's highest form," Harold lied as he looked at the normal wolf in pretence that it was really and truly one of his beasts.

The eyes of the soldiers were like saucers as they sniffed the air.

"Turmeric?" Asked the youngest soldier.

"Yes, watch."

The soldiers glanced back at the wolf and saw that I was now unconscious on the ground.

"Now! We need to cut its head before it awakens! It's the only way they die right away!" Hissed Harold.

They sliced the head from the body of the supernatural creature and wrapped it in white cloth, taking decapitated head back to the castle to show the king.

The soldiers gushed to the king about how brave Harold had been and immediately his name was cleared. The villagers and even the king thanked him for his gravy and strength.

Everyone in the kingdom was happy again.

Harold though, smiled. Not because he was getting all the attention. No, he was smiling because he was making the villagers trust and believe in him. Soon, they'll believe that he'll be a bigger and better king! And John... john will be no more.


Word Count: 785

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