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This is the continuation of Chapter 25.

Contains, detailed explicit contents.

Do not read if you are 16 years and younger or if you find contents such as these uncomfortable.

For the rest of you- have a Blast!

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              He lost it. He rushed to her slim figure and grabbed her neck squeezing lightly. "Are you sure you want me to fuck you?" He breathed into her ear.

She moaned, "please.."

"I know you're a virgin, I'll take my time with the first strokes but I cannot promise anything of the sort after." He made clear and she gulped. Not from fear though, Hanna was beyond excited and by the way her nipples hardened against his chest he knew.

He flushed their bodies against each other and Thomas crashed his lips against hers. It began slowly at first since she was unaware of how to kiss him back, but as she imitated him she got increasingly better. The kiss was wet and fierce. Hanna gasped when he bit her lower lip demanding entrance. Gasping allowed him to shove his tongue into her mouth and her body grew hot.

Thomas lifted her up into his arms not breaking the kiss and led her to the large, peach duvet coloured covering. He lowered her gently, broke the kiss and analyzed her body. Her lips were a lighter shade of pink now, plumper and slightly bruised from all the kissing but still looked beyond desirable. They felt amazingly soft against his and he imagined it wrapped around his cock.

Hanna too analyzed him. Her eyes had trailed down to his trunks, which might she add, did nothing to hide the rock hard cock he had. She slowly slipped off the bed and his eyes followed her. Hanna got onto her knees before him but not for a courtesy. Her hands found the rim of his trunks and as she pulled it down his cock sprung out and hit her cheek. She giggled and Thomas didn't know how but it just made him harder, his cock twitched.

Her small, soft hand wrapped around his caramel coloured, pre-cum glistening cock and she slowly began to pump it. Thomas kept his eyes on her every movement. The way her puzzled expression morphed into excitement as he released more cum.

Hanna wanted to taste him. Lifting her eyes to his she leaned closer and took him into her mouth and she knew that her panties were surely wet by now. Thomas let out a sigh and her small, wet mouth closed around his shaft. Her lips felt soft and just right, he had to force himself not to fuck her face.

Hanna was having a hard time taking his entire length into her mouth but she sucked on whatever she could and pumped on the rest and the while not breaking eye contact with him.

She took him out of her mouth, licked slowly from the bottom and half way up his glistening length she lightly grazed her teeth against a vein that was pulsating within his cock. As neared the top she replaced her teeth with her tongue and circled his glistening head before downing him swiftly. She began sucking him passionately, her cheeks hollowed wanting to make it tighter for him. Wanting him to cum. 

"Fuck.." He groaned and without being able to help it, he grabbed her head and violently fucked her face. As he began twitching within her mouth he grasped her up quickly and threw her onto the bed.

Lowering his face down to her he pecked her lips before trailing wet kisses from her neck to her shoulder blades, down the valley between her breasts and without warning he wrapped his hot mouth around one of her nipples.

"Oh Go-- yes," Hanna's back arched as she rubbed his head. Thomas flicked his tongue over her nipple, he circled it around her rock hard nipple before sucking it again. Harder this time. Hanna was panting hard, the aching between her thighs needed attention so badly and as if he had read her thoughts, his hands trailed down her stomach and slid over her underwear. He gently rubbed her as he situated his mouth over her other nipple. 

Hanna felt overwhelmed with pleasure. With her back arched a growing knot began forming within her lower tummy. All it took was for Thomas to shift her underwear to the side and plunge a finger into her wet, warm and tight pussy and she came undone all over his hand. Her body racked as the surge of pleasure overtook her.

"Oh God! Oh God!" She moaned loudly and Thomas kissed her hard, mostly wanting her to be quieter.

Thomas hovered over Hanna. He gently stroked her cheek and muttered, "This may hurt a little, my love." And then he pushed gently. Her face morphed into pain. Her body rigid and her hands dug into TJ's shoulders.

"Ah, oh.." She cried as he made slow sweet strokes. Hanna widened her legs trying to fit him better. The painful strokes morphed into one of pleasure.

"Yes, yes, uh-fu...," Hanna's body trembled in delight. "More! Please, harder..."

"," TJ groaned in between fast and hard strokes.

"Right there..," she whispered encouragingly to her but instead, he flipped them over so now she was sitting on him instead. He was much, much deeper now, her hands were on his hips and they stared into each other's eyes. 

"Rotate your hips for me, baby" he ordered and she obeyed. She began to rotate her all the while never losing eye contact. It felt even more erotic that way.

"Damn, that is good baby." He encouraged so she smiled. The vixen within her coming forth made her go harder, faster.


King John on the other hand was growing impatient and was wondering what Hanna had been doing in kings TJ's room so long. 

"Honey, is something wrong?" Asked Isabella who noticed John sitting on the bedside with his head in his hands.

"Yes, my love. I'll just go drink a glass of warm milk and come back to bed okay?" He said getting up.

"Okay honey," she smiled and went back to sleep. 

As John strolled down the hallway to TJ's room he began to assume the unthinkable. Fearing the worse he walked faster towards the room to see what was taking her so long but as he got closer to the room Hanna surprisingly came out. Her hair was disheveled and she was fixing her clothes.

"Why were you in there? Especially so long?" He asked.

"I did not know you were concerned about me, my Lord," Hanna furrowed her brow.

"Did you sleep with him or did you just talk?"

"I am sorry my lord but that is truly none of your concern..." Hanna responded in irritation before rushing to walk away. Unfortunately though John grabbed her hand and tugged her back to him before kissing her hard.

"Come" he motioned quietly tugging her into a vacant room.

"My King wh-"

"Say nothing, just do as I say," 

Hanna said nothing, but instead she made love to John the same way she had done with King TJ just minutes ago.

The Queen, knowing something was suspiciously wrong with her husband went up to the room to see what her husband was doing. As she looked into her brother's room she saw that he was asleep and decided to return downstairs.

She paused. She could hear quiet moans and groans further down the hallway so she decided to follow the sound. As she walked closer the sounds got louder. Isabella gently pushed the door open only just a little and what she saw was shocking.

Hanna was on top of her husband, bouncing , the Queen was staring at Hanna's back feeling completely betrayed and heartbroken when suddenly Hanna looked around and their eyes met. Instead of looking surprised, Hanna smiled at the queen instead, before bouncing harder and faster on John. Queen Isabella ran back downstairs, wiped her face from crying and walked back to her room as if she had seen absolutely nothing.

When Hanna and the King were done, they had both returned to their respectful rooms. John was oblivious to the fact that his wife had witnessed him being unfaithful. Instead of addressing it, Isabella pretended to sleep, and in time John also fell asleep.


If anyone is confused by the name change, just know 'TJ' is the shortened version of his first names 'Thomas-Jones'.
His full name is Thomas Jones DeCorpio.


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