Chapter 10

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Harold's knees almost buckled.

His eyes were transfixed upon her beauty and his heart sped up to see her before him, beautiful, erotic looking and existing. He wasn't naive! And now he'll finally prove it to everyone. He'll treat that scum of a king for who he really is.

A weak being.

"Come on now Harold, come to me," the seductress licked her blood red lips and with the pull of her finger, he flew across the room and stood shaking in front of her. His lips trembled and fright grew in his veins.

"I-I," he stuttered. He felt so overwhelmed that he wanted to faint.

"Come on now, you can tell me," her voice made his body tingle. A voice, so soft, so hot. He bit his lower lip and shuddered in pleasure.

"Please stop, i know what you're trying to do," he asked as respectfully as his lust filled mind allowed.

"Very well," her tone dropped and now she sounded nothing but powerful. "What is it you truly desire Harold? I know you've been looking for me, so now tell me. What do you desire? Money?

"I want to be king," he spoke with greed. "I want everything! I want the kingdom, I want respect! I want to rule over them all," he growled. He imagined himself on the throne and it brought an evil smile to his face.

The witch smiled menacingly at the evilness she felt from Harold. "And what..," she used her spell to bring him closer. "Do I get? Hm? What is it that you have to offer me?" She asked in a nefarious tone while rubbing her long finger down his cheek..

Without wavering and showing any weakness, he rose his head straight forward and pushed out his chest.

"Whatever you want my lady," he said to her.

"I want a living sacrifice, someone you trust with everything. If you can do that, I will give to you what it is that you desire," collecting his hands gently she planted a sacred mark on his right hand, between his thumb and index finger. Pulling his head down so that her lips could be at his ear, she whispered.

"And leave the person at the end of the cave..." his eyes closed and her voice faded.


He woke up soaked in sweat and breathing heavily. His eyes squinted at the light and as he peeked around, he saw that it was the cave and all the other soldiers were sleeping in their own tents.

It was only a dream....

But yet it felt so real.

Harold was angry. He pushed himself up and tried to use his right hand to shield his face. That is until he saw the mark. The same Mark the witch had put upon his hand in his dream.

The only thing was, it wasn't a dream! It was real.

Excitement grew right throughout his body and he grinned. Raising his head having the need to go for fresh air. He suddenly gasped loudly, falling back to the ground and shielding himself.

Before him stood one of the women from the witches castle. The woman with no face.

"Do what you must!" Her voice was croaky and ugly and without hesitation, she rushed towards him.


"Sir??" Benji sleepily said coming out of his tent. "What is the matter? Why are you on the ground like that?" He asked, completely oblivious to the fact that the woman was....

Harold looked everywhere but saw no one around but Benji and his other soldiers. The faceless woman was gone.

"Uh, nothing, nothing it is all okay," he said after clearing his throat. "I just,uh-- i just fell down by accident um, yeah. Sorry to wake you," the commander said dusting away the dirt from his pants.

Unconvincing, yet Benji just went along with it. "Okay, well I'll wake everyone else up and we'll prepare the search, Sir"

"That's a good idea, thanks champ! Let's go!"

As they all prepared to depart the cave Harold called out to them.

"Everyone! Follow the path to the lake, Derek and I will follow you soon," upon hearing his name, Derek turned to the commander with a curious expression.

"Benji, I need you to guide them safely okay?" Harold said without looking at Benji. His voice held concern but his facial expression was void of emotion.

"Uh, okay sir," Benji saluted and they all went onto their horses and left, leaving Derek and Harold behind.

"Are you okay, Sir?" Asked Derek.

Sighing out loud Harold answered, "Yes, yes I am fine...," he placed a sad expression onto his face. "You do know that you're my very best soldier, right," he complimented. Feeling good about that Derek stood up straight and smiled.

"Why, thank you sir."

"Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be better? To be my commander when I become king?" Harold asked circling Derek.

"Y-yes sir...," Derek answered feeling slightly uneasy.

"Would you sacrifice for me Derek? Are you loyal to me, your leader?"

"I...," Derek dragged, unsure of where the commander was heading with these questions.

"Well are you?" Harold demanded.

"Yes sir!" Derek spoke up.

"Well then....," Harold stopped behind Derek. Derek frowned deeply, thick eyebrows drawn together and brown eyes filled with uncertainty. He slowly turned around to the commander about to ask a question when suddenly he felt something heavy collide with the side of his head. He stumbled to the ground, screaming in pain. As a reflex he brought his hand to the opened wound and flinched in pain. Blood was running down his head profusely and Harold cursed before ripping an old shirt he had in his bag and wrapping it around the wound.

Fainting from the intense pain, Derek laid unconscious on the cold, hard ground. Harold grunted and quickly dragged his body to the end of the cave, where he used his hand to push into the walls trying to find a secret opening. He finally pushed hard into the farther corner and suddenly a hallway leading into the witches castle opened up once more.

A small sting on Harold's hand made him look down. The Mark was glowing. The 3 sided shape glowed and faded a bit. Smiling creepily he grabbed Derek's still unconscious frame and dragged him into the hallway.

Finally, it was all coming together.


Word Count: 1072

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