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                  Isabella was happy. Hanna was finally gone! 

That happiness was cut short when she saw Hanna walking gracefully down the hall and into the lunchroom where both the king and queen was. Isabella's anger rose but John had an entirely different reaction. He was beyond happy to see that she had not left. 

Isabella assumed that her brother had her brother--TJ-- would have given Hanna an offer that would be impossible for any woman to refuse. She knew her brother loved her, but it seemed at if the woman still was not over Isabella's husband, John. Truth is, Isabella was the one who told her brother to take Hanna with him at any cost, but it was clear he had failed her.

As it was evident though, John was happy to see Hanna for she had information he needed. The queen looked at John and seeing how happy and excited he was to see Hanna made her blood boil and angry tears flooded her eyes.

John did not pay heed attention to Isabella though. "I will be right back my love," he said without any interest to Isabella, got up and grasped Hanna's hand before taking her out of the room and into another.

'I have to rid her from this kingdom! He, her very husband was really going to leave me here and go have sex with Hanna even though I am still here? Still present in this very castle?!' The Queen thought.

It was clear to the Queen that King John had absolutely no respect for her even after she had helped save his kingdom only a day ago. Even though she was his wife. The Queen stared at them in anger as the doors closed behind their backs and she was left alone within the lunchroom.


John took Hanna into the room to question her about the information that he had told her to gather from King TJ. Hanna looked at John in absolute excitement, seeing him happy made her happy, though a part of her wanted to withhold the information as King TJ probably trusted her with it, but she shook her head ridding the thoughts and looked at John who sat in a chair across from her waiting.

Hanna knew that the information she had was important to him more than anything else and that she was the only one who would give him what he wanted, knowing that brought her joy.

"The dragons, the legends... They are all true, John!" Hanna couldn't believe her own words. Dragons were really and truly alive and real! So very real...

"King T had-"

"King T?" John rose a brow.

"Yes, I can call him whatever I want to," Hanna smiled. "Anyways, he informed me of everything. It is a story that has been told for generations. A story of a great king who had gone out searching for dragons. He wanted to prove to everyone else that they were real, but he had walked upon forbidden land! Because he was King, he thought warning signs meant absolutely nothing to him. He was wrong. A great witch appeared before his eyes and cursed him. She made him into the very thing he was searching for. A dragon. 

It is said that every one hundredth year, the king finally gets the chance to become human again, but the first time he becomes a human being again he falls into temptation and impregnates a woman. He wanted to have children so that the royal blood would continue. He needed an heir, but his children weren't born as normal babies. No, they were also cursed for they had the gene within them. Half human, half dragon, but they could have transformed whenever they saw fit. They are the East Kingdom Royalties. They will forever be cursed." Hanna reiterated everything she was told and waited for John's reaction.

He burst out laughing.

"I am aware of dragons being real Hanna, but half human and half human? Come on my dear, are you sure he told you the truth?!" He barked out another laughter.

"Think about it! Queen Isabella, how do you think she rode it with such ease?"

"Oh Hanna! This is a waste of my time!"


The Queen was getting impatient. She was angry and tired of hiding the fact that she knew of the King's unfaithful behaviour. Her blood boiled and she got up harshly shoving the chair to the ground in anger. A maid hurried to pick it up but Isabella paid no mind to the last as she walked out of the lunchroom and into the room she assumed they'd be. 

Isabella was fuming. She shoved the door open but when she entered what she saw was unbelievable and unexpected, John was sitting and so was Hanna, they were not touching or kissing as she'd thought. They were actually just talking. She felt embarrassed.

'Was it really my John Hanna was really having sex with that night?' She began to doubt herself.

"Ah! My love," he grinned at her and got up. "You would not believe what Hanna just told me!" He laughed which only annoyed Hanna. 

John was no longer interested in knowing about the South Kingdom now that Hanna had told him a mass of nonsense, so out of humor he told his wife about the legend of the dragon's that Hanna had told him and she also laughed historically.

"What?" She giggled. "Oh Hanna, you should never take my brother seriously!" Isabella giggled.

"Isn't that the children's tale we have been hearing since we were all babies?? Come on, dear." 

Hanna became angry as she was now utterly and entirely embarrassed. All she wanted to do was please John, obey him and respect his wishes. He asked her to find out the secrets the East Kingdom had and she did. She did not believe that TJ had lied to her. 

"Ungrateful!' Hanna thought as she looked up at John.

"I will be in my study, my love" John said to Isabella before kissing her softly upon her lips and walking out of the room leaving a now contented Queen and a wounded Hanna.

Isabella turned to face Hanna. She was to reason with her woman to woman about this situation in Hopes that she could possibly convince Hanna to desist from trying to get the King--John.

"I know you are in love with my Husband," Isabella said calmly. "But I would appreciate it if you stopped entirely. He is my husband Hanna. I will give you money if it is that you desire! I want you to leave us. You do not belong here and you are certainly not respectful. I will give you land, some place far away from here and everything else it is that you want, but you have to stop this game. You can start a new family. Just leave my John alone." Isabella warned but Hanna laughed in her face.

"This is my kingdom! You cannot buy me into leaving Queen!" Hanna snarled in distaste.

"Be careful Hanna, for this world can be a dangerous place for a lonely girl like yourself." Said the Queen angrily as she turned on her heel ready to walk out of the room but Hanna's words halted her.

"I was about to tell you the same thing my Queen," Hanna said mockingly.

The queen left feeling angry and frustrated but Hanna just smiled, she was confident that she would get her way--in fact! She remembers that the king promised her that he would give her whatever she wanted if he found out the secrets of the South kingdom, all she had to do now was prove to the King that the queen could actually become a dragon...


PUREBLOODS #1 [+16]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora