Chapter 4

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              As Patrick climbed the staircase leading into the king's castle, he felt his sweat trickle down his back and forehead. His legs wobbled and his lips trembled. He was weak and hungry. Instead of taking him straight to the kingdom they kept stopping and were messing around with him, teasing and hitting him. He felt defeated. As his wobbling feet passed the last staircase he fell onto his side upon the teal marbled floor.

"Pick him up! His disgusting sweat quenched the king's perfectly marbled floors!!", the commander expressed scorn on his wrinkled face and walked away into the castle.

"Get up!", said the soldier as he struggled to bring Patrick back onto his feet again. Grunting loudly Patrick rose up and almost fell back down, falling sideways onto the soldier. His head rattled, he was dizzy. The soldier shoved Patrick up and pushed him forward, into the castle.

The walls of the castle were painted Gold and white, while the marbled floors were colored silver. Instead of a wooden ceiling like the one of Patrick's home, instead the castles ceiling was covered in glass reflecting the images from down below and from the ceiling hung chandeliers. Big chandeliers with diamond crest designs glimmer.

Patrick was pushed past two large red double doors with golden door handles and into a room where Gold and red covered every single crook and cranny. From the golden walls to the gold mixed with blood red coloured marble flooring, mirrored ceiling and red plush carpets laying in different sections of the room.

At the very end, within the center stood a large golden throne and in it was no other than the King of Zelanda-- king of the east, in all of his glory. His attire was one of royalty, radiation of power echoed from his presence and Patrick's eyes widened in awe.

As Patrick came closer to the king's throne he was demanded to kneel by the commander who stood on the King's right hand and obediently Patrick complied. As the eyes of the king zeroed in on the sweaty and fatigued man kneeling before him, realising clicked into his mind And his sprung up.

"Patrick…..?" His voice held only confusion and astonishment.

Patrick rose His head up and smiled up at the king.  "Hey Johnny", his smile lingered a little longer before he lost consciousness and dropped to the floor, fainting.


When Patrick had awoken, he was surprised to feel not hard rough ground beneath him, but instead silk sheets and cotton duvets. His half opened eyes fell upon the teal coloured curtains and the cream painted walls, the bed he laid on felt four times bigger than his own. The room was furnished with every bedroom furniture known to exist, and a small, grey, plush couch was situated on the left side of the room facing the opposite way close beside the bed. Patrick could not remember the last time he lay on such sheets, his rough palms gliding through the silk and memories of his wife's black silky hair came into his vision. 

His family….

Swinging his feet over the bed and onto the ground he was ready to sprint until he gazed at the body length mirror upon the wall. He saw that his clothes were no longer the torn garments he was wearing, but instead clean, new trousers and a perfectly ironed white shirt. His curls scattered over his head and his skin was clean. Patrick looked at himself and took in his appearance before he furrowed his brows in wonder.

"Who cleaned me?"

The sound of the door opening caught Patrick's attention and he immediately went into defense mode. His abrupt action made the soldiers create their own routine attack stance around the king.

"Okay everyone, weapons down", the king's deep voice sounded through the room and the soldiers hesitantly obeyed. "Hello, Patrick. It is nice to see you too", the king said and smiled genuinely at the man who practically raised him. 

Patrick relaxed his body, looking up his tense muscles before grinning at the king. "My king", he bowed.

"Nonsense, besides", the king laughed. "You called me 'Johnny' before you fainted in the throne room. I presume your hunger and tiredness took you, are you okay?"

The soldiers were astounded to see the king treat someone who had committed a crime in such generous ways.

"I am perfectly fine", Patrick said in nonchalance.

The king sighed.

"I must say, I am very much, if not shocked, surprised that you are still alive."

Patrick tensed up at the sight of the commander entering the room and a scowl grew upon his face. An action the king noted.

"My Lord", the commander bowed. 

"Harold", the king answered in a clipped tone. "Why have you really handled this man", king john motioned to Patrick, "in such wicked ways? The maids told me they saw burns and whip marks on Patrick's back!", King John scolded in disapproval and the commander frowned.

"My Lord, he disrespected and attacked us two days ago when we were doing our daily search", the commander lied.

The king looked surprised and looked at Patrick in disbelief. "Patrick! What do you have to say for yourself?! You were the closest to my father before he had died, you're supposed to understand what you should and should not do!", King John was upset. He didn't understand what he was hearing.

"Exactly, I have been in this kingdom since before the days you were born John, this place was also my home. I was the leader of all soldiers, and I certainly know soldiers are not allowed to abuse and innocent and rob villagers and even us who live outside the gates! And that is what those men did to me and my son two days ago. We were walking home and they were robbing us of the money we earned. I defended myself and my family. It was theirs. At first my king, I assumed they were cons pretending to be soldiers. But it was this very commander by your side along with these soldiers. They have been robbing villagers all this time John", Patrick had calmly explained himself and an innocent aura radiated from him. He was telling the truth and the king believed him. 

Anger stored through the king and he held up a soldier to the wall by his neck. "How dare you stand the reputation of my kingdom!?!", he growled. "And you!",he swiftly turned to the commander making him flinch away.

"You are a part of these… treacherous event!?"

Harold stood silent which confirmed what Patrick confessed. Commanding everyone who was a part of this to enter the court situated in the West wing, the king allowed leaders of the law to come up with a punishment for all of them.

The debate was settled almost immediately.


Patrick then interfered. He was never a cruel man, and he didn't see why they didn't deserve another chance.

"My king", Patrick grabbed the attention of the members that lived within the castle and was gathered here. "I'm sure there's no need for such harsh punishment. Please, I'm not evil and I do not wish badly for these men", Patrick motioned to the commander and the soldiers that normally accompany him.

"Then what do you suggest they do?", King John asked.

"Well, if it is okay with you, I'd suggest that they return all that they have taken away from the people of this kingdom, admit their wrongs and apologize to all those people they tricked and mistreated. None of us are bad. They'll forgive you all", he folded his hands behind his back.

"Very well then, commander, soldiers, you heard the man. Onwards!", King John commanded and so they went into the kingdom returning what they took and apologising.

Only, one thing bothered Patrick. 

With the departure of commander,

Harold smirked and Patrick,

A smirk that promised….



Word Count: 1328

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