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The following morning the king, John, had leaped out of bed in fright at the earth shattering sound that was blaring from outside of the castle. He immediately ran towards the sound and as he cane onto the balcony to see what was causing the disturbance, to his utter shock and confusion their was a large green Dragon blowing out balls of fire from its mouth. It seemed to be angry and distressed.

It began to blow fire all about wanting to destroy about everything it's path, especially the soldiers that were trying to attack it. The soldiers kept on charging towards the dragon in a way of defence, but the dragon was too blinded to care for the humans and burnt them all alive and left destruction upon everything below it.

John's heart was in his throat. He seemed to feel his head lighten and he wanted to drop down at the intense pain in his chest.

King John then used all the energy within his body and shoved his legs forwards, running to his room in desperate need to call his wife out so she can try to calm the beast down. He knew this was someone from her original home and only she would have understood what was occurring now.

The only thing was that when he returned to their room, Isabella was still fast asleep. Surprise covered his features.

'How could she still be asleep?' He thought in astonishment.

He was sure that the commotion outside could be heard by a villagers mules away. So why couldn't his wife be alerted by it when she was only a few rooms away?

He ran to her in frustration and shook her by the shoulders but she was not responding. His body pricked with sweat and his heart began to hurt.

"Isabella!?" He yelled audibly. His heart throbbed achingly, his body burnt with pain. "Oh God! Oh god! Oh god!!" He panicked as tears streamed down his face. "No, no, no, no!" He screamed.

He began shaking. He grabbed her hands and shook them harshly. "Baby, please ... Please." His head fell forward onto her chest and he sobbed. The noise could still be heard from outside but as time went by the only thing he could feel was pain. It was so damaging that it was drowning out everything else.

"Who did this to you?" His body rocked with sobs. Then realisation dawned upon him, the dragon felt the loss before he knew of it. That's why it was causing all of the commotion, and he understood it all now. He was not angry, he too wanted to destroy everything within his eyesight.

Isabella, his wife, was laying lifeless on her back in their bed. There was no marks or bruises on her skin so that made him realise something else.

She was poisoned..


John took the body of Isabella, his wife who he loved so much, into his arms and kissed her forehead one last time before marching out to the balcony. Her hands fell limply at her side's as he took her their in a bridal position and as soon as the dragon saw the Queen's body in the arms of the king it flew down in anger.

The dragon whimpered as it flew closer to the balcony rail and allowed John to place Isabella gently in its palm. When Isabella's body was in the possession of the dragon the king moved backward for safety, as the dragon flew up into the sky he roared at the king and as their eyes made eye contact John could see the betrayal and pain within the dragon's light coloured orbs. It's eyes grew red as its mouth reopened and the visible ball of fire enlarged itself before completely disappearing and just like that, the Supernatural creation was gone, leaving John Traumatized.


John knew the death of his wife would bring hell upon his entire kingdom. With the north kingdom still breathing down his neck, he was sure that the south Kingdom will not only refuse aiding but instead challenge John's kingdom to war itself as well.

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