Chapter 7

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"So a witch? Really?," a teasing smile lingered on Benji's face causing Harold to roll his eyes in irritation.

The men were all fully awake and had already packed up before continuing their search. They were up for almost two hours and instead of riding their already tired horses, they walked on foot while guiding their horses. They realised that their horses were weak and the food wasn't giving them as much energy. The only one who rode their horse was the commander, Harold. The morning sky was bright, the Sun's rays were scorching but thankfully, the forestry shielded the soldiers from it's penetration. The grass on the land was wet with tiny droplets of water because of the cool atmospheric temperature the night before, but slowly, it evaporated.

"Be quiet Benji!," Derek, another soldier from the group hissed.

"Why? I mean that preposterous! Seriously Commander?? Witches? Why would you even believe in such mythical creatures? Now I'm surely positive you aren't going delusional because of the kings first decision to exile us," Benji teased and the eruption of laughter from all soldiers caused Harold's face to morph into anger. Derek was the only other soldier who had not laughed but instead saw the commander's reactions and tried to make his fellow comrades seize their laughter at once.

"Hey! Stop it!," Derek whispered harshly to Benji but stubbornly Benji laughter louder.

"Oh come on! Has our commander gone ma--"

Laughter seize as a blade sliced through the air and stopped directly at Benji's neck. Derek, now seething in anger pressed the knife against his neck so hard that he sliced through the first layer in his skin. Benji cried out.


"That's our leader! We respect him! He would've done worse to you if i didn't interfere and you know it! Do not spoil our bonding time with such insults!" Derek spoke up for Harold and in return received a look of approval. Harold Nodded his head towards Derek, signalling for him to release Benji and so he complied.

When the commander saw that everyone was silent, He proceeded and the soldiers followed obediently.

"This forest, it isn't what it looks like, as it is congested with sorcery. The mythical creature that we have heard about in our bedtime stories; Witches, they are real. They live within this very forest and the only way in which we can see them, is if they are willing to show themselves."

"Sir, wh- why are you searching for this creature? Surely if we can only see them if and only they want us to, isn't it clear that they want not to be disturbed?" Asked a soldier.

"You see, we have no choice! We need help in taking down the king," Harold's voice was strong.

"The king?" Gasps sounded throughout the group of men.

"He wants to take down the king?!"

The soldiers were still hesitant until Derek lifted his fist in praise to the commander.

"He's right! We need bigger and better defences! Harold has been occupying this role for years, he knows the laws, he has just as much knowledge as the king and even more strength! Doing what we want to won't be a problem," a cunning smile grew upon Derek's lips and the commander silently thanked him for his understanding. Benji shot his fist into the air in recognition and the other soldiers followed. Feeling content the commander thanked them.

Though he was now more complacent than before, frustration soured Through his veins. It had been approximately three days and the witch was not discovered. Night was falling quickly and they needed someone to sleep for the night.

Looking farther up ahead, Harold saw nothing but grass and trees and in exasperation he shouted out to her.

"How long will you hide!!? Show yourself!!" He was angry. His patience was running thin and he was beginning to doubt his own self.

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