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Upon hearing the news Hanna, Tim's sister, was ecstatic because she assumed that she would become his wife, the Queen, especially with his knowledge of the great sacrifice her family had committed for him, the king, and his kingdom.

She was the only close female to him, the only one he seemed to trust with his life and heart...she guessed. They had bonded and she knew him as much as he knew her. There was no doubt that he'd not choose her. She wanted this, she would make sure her family's sacrifice didn't go to waste. She Will make them proud.


They had breakfast together every morning as the king felt obligated to her and tried to make sure she was well taken care of so he kept an eye on her himself. Every morning at breakfast they would share stories about their lives and loved ones they lost but this morning was different, something was different about her this morning. She was more beautiful than usual, more pampered and well kept, her posture and walk was different, it was as if she was the queen of the land.

John was impressed. They ate breakfast together until one of his council members went to him and informed him about a small meeting he needs to attend. As King John rose to his feet and left, the council member's attention went to Hanna. He looked at her with scorn.

The king was surprised and impressed but this council was not for he saw what she wanted, it was clear as day, he'd been watching them. He saw how much the king fancied her but if the kingdom was to survive the king Would have to marry a princess and strengthen the kingdom as promised.

The council leader approached her. His scrutinizing gaze as he furiously throttled her way making her feel small, weak, but she stood Her ground awaiting for what he had to say ."In life they are two kinds of people my dear child. They are the ones that are dirt poor, yet perfect in every way. They strive to be great and even though they'd fail at being great they still continue to have hope, fight for what they want. They work hard! But unfortunately there is Another kind, the ones who are born with responsibilities, a silver spoon in their mouths. These people are what you commoners call royalty. Those responsibilities are important for the greater good of everyone. You are nothing close to royalty nor will you ever be! Just because you are nothing more than the king's charity! Stop whatever you think it is that you are trying to do! You just don't fit." without giving her a chance to speak he left because he knew she was smart enough to understand his words.

Her heart hurt. Embarrassment rocked her body and tears silently fell from her eyes. Tears she tried so desperately to keep at bay. Tears that were now betraying her. He was right, she's not like John. She wasn't well known or rich.

She was a nobody.

Her heart hurt but when the faces of her parents came to her mind she shook her head and with determination in her eyes she thought about her next step.

She will not allow the councilors words to get to her. With a strong heart and mind she set her lips into a straight line.

'Time to move forward,' she thought as a smile played it's way onto her lips.


John was urgently awoken by one of his trusted advisers the next morning. His adviser handed a slicked smooth, red envelope that had the stamp of the North kingdom's kingdom. He looked up to his adviser with worried eyes, sleep completely gone from his body, before opening the envelope. In BOLD. letters it's said.

'Surrender your kingdom to us willingly, or we will bring war upon you and your people and make you surrender it with force. I will give to you, thirty days and thirty days only to comply or else we will destroy your beloved kingdom.'

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