Chapter 11

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He returned to the very room that the Witch resided in and slumped Derek's body against the wall. The thump woke Derek up and groaning he slowly brought his hand to his head and opened his eyes.

"Very good Harold," she smiled and moved Derek closer to her. Derek started to panic and scream but when he was only inches away from her his breath hitched, her beauty was enchanting.

"A promise is a promise," Harold reminded her and as the witch looked up to him, her eyes glowed green and something appeared within his hand. It was a Medium sized bottle and a hand and with a small green crescent in the center.

"The potion is in the bottle, a small amount should be taken by the human and the transition will generate after a minute or two," she instructed.

"And the band?" He asked

"That is what you will use to control the beast you'll create with the potion," she finally said and his eyebrows furrowed.


"Yes, beasts. You said you wanted to be powerful, be king and I'm going to help you make that happen. Be smart Harold. I know who you are..," she whispered. His eyelids fluttered and his vision blurred and suddenly Harold fell to the ground.

About five minutes later, he woke up back in the cave, alone. Getting up quickly, he dusted away the dirt and rummaged through his pockets for the potion. When he found it he also realised that the band was already on his right hand and he also noticed the mark on his hand had vanished completely. With a sigh of relief he tucked the potion back into his pocket, on his way out of the cave he heard a blood curdling scream and knew that it was indeed Derek. With a sinister smile and absolutely no trace of concern, he hopped onto his horse and rode it through the forest on his way to meet his soldier at the lake.

Let the games begin.........


Harold tried to form a plan on how he was going to give the potion to the soldiers and most importantly, play off Derek's disappearance. Now, the thought of what he had just done to someone who had always had his back broke his heart a little and his as he rode the horse, an involuntary sob broke through his lips and his shoulders slumped forward. No tears escaped his eyes but his body trembled with an emotion he had not felt in years.

Back at the cave he seems uncaring and cruel, but he had to do what must be done!

It matter not what cost it took, he was going to become king. Straightening his shoulders he came back to reality and realised he was close to the lake.

As he closed in, some soldiers came to greet him while the others waited on the other expected horse that was supposed to carry Derek, their friend.

"Where is Derek commander?" Asked Benji completely confused.

"Yeah, i don't see him approaching," said another.

Harold had to come up with something and he had to come up with it fast.

"He left," Harold said hastily.

"He left?" The soldiers all asked in unison.

"Y-yes! He grew angry and demanded me to let us stop this search. He called it 'crazy hunt for a witch.' He went berserk and... well," Harold broke his usually tough demeanor and frowned sadly. "I could only defend myself and i didn't mean to...," he lied convincingly. Benji walked up to him and patted his shoulder in a way of comfort.

"I'm so sorry, we all know how good of friends you were. We understand what you did what out of self defense and he blindly acted out of anger. It's okay," Benji said to him and guided him to where they had set a fire and restructured their shelter with large wood and the cloth they used to cover. Harold pretended to sad, sulking around.

"I've got wine!"

"I've got some snacks"

That's when Harold had an idea. He knew now what he was supposed to do. He smirked devilishly and shouted.

"Let's eat!" He cheered and everyone gathered around the campfire.

"Oh wait! I have to retrieve the wine!" A young soldier named Isiah exasperated.

"Uh- wait! Let me get it. I have so much to thank u all For," Harold said as sincere as his lying heart could, before getting up and rushing back into the tent. In the far corner he spotted two bottles of red wine and shook his head. Harold realised that he had stolen them along with five Ancient Egyptian lotiform cups which were known to be very rear and very expensive. Harold smiled at Isiah's wickedness and hurriedly pulled the potion from his pocket. Not wanting to be caught he poured a small amount of it into each cup and quickly screwed the potion shut and placed it back into his pocket, before completely filled the cup with red wine.

He picked up two of the cups, exited the tent and give one each to Benji and Isaiah and then retrieved the other three, giving the wine to another three soldiers from the group. Though they were still more soldiers around Harold said to them.

"They are no more cups gentlemen, I'm sorry but you will have to wait until these soldiers are finished."

"Wait? That isn't necessary sir," Isaiah chuckled. "We all, collected these cups. I just took more than one," Isaiah chuckled, slowly sipping on his wine and Harold's soul danced as he saw all of them drinking their wine. At the same time though, the other eight soldiers pulled out their cups and shook it in the air. Harold took them and did exactly what he had done the previous time. He poured the potion into the cups and then added the wine before taking them out to the other soldiers. They all sat around the small fire drinking their wine and eating some crackers while Harold only drank water.

"Why aren't you taking any wine commander?" Asked Benji suspiciously.

"I'm getting too old for wine," Harold chuckled. "I am not in a mood to get drunk, I get tipsy quite easily." He lied.

"Okay," is all Benji said before consuming the rest of his wine. "I need to go piss," he muttered before scurrying to his feet and walked closer to the lake behind a tree and did his business. The others had also finished their wine and were putting away their cups.

Suddenly a loud bone cracking sound was heard followed by a blood curdling scream.

Benji's scream.

Harold ran towards the lake and all the while hearing skin crawling snaps of bone and cries from Benji, but then it happened back at the tent, stopping Harold in his place. The sound multiplied and grew louder until there was nothing else but silence.

And then howls.

Goosebumps rose all over Harold's skin as he heard a growl from in the darkness. Emerging from the dark was a large black wolf, it's mouth was filled with saliva as it bared it's canine teeth at Harold.

Harold hesitantly moved back blindly, stumbling down to the ground he heard a deep growl from behind him. As he looked around, he came face to face with another wolf. Same description, and all of them were very big, but their eyes, they carried the same colour as they were in their human form scurrying forward onto his knees Harold looked in front of him to see the first Wolf he saw and those brown eyes, Benji's eyes glowed gold.

Sweat covered Harold's body as the wolves came in closer and closer but that when he remembered the hand band. Looking down to his hand he noticed that the crescent in the band glowed gold and two triangular shapes merged displayed in the center of it.

Following his gut, Harold confidently rose up in confidence and began tracing the symbol on the hand band and in an authoritative voice he ordered.

"You will exactly as I say! I demand you to step back!" Was Harold's first order.

They obeyed.

Harold was transfixed, but smiled menacingly at the wolves that surrounded him with their heads to the floor in respect of his presence.

"I'll call you," he looked upon each and every one of them. Their features and all. They all looked like wolves, and that's how he got it. "Werewolves," he announces in satisfaction before displaying an ugly grin. "And we're going to rip them all shred by shred!"

Word Count: 1439

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