chapter 5

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"Patrick, how are you still alive? I thought you were...well, dead"

The king and Patrick were now taking a walk on the castle grounds trying to piece together and discuss a few things.

"Well, let's just say I kept my nose in my own business and my wonderful wife helped keep me fit, healthy and happy", Patrick grinned to himself.

"She kept you fit huh?", The king laughed knowing exactly what his sly response meant. "Well she must be a very strong woman herself, to have won your heart and make you sway away from wanting to live within the kingdom anymore", the king gathered.

"It wasn't her decision, she would never make me not do something that i wanted to. I wanted to change, the violence, coming home everyday bruised, I saw it in her eyes, the pain of seeing me like that. So I changed for her. We have been together for twenty five years, she's the love of my life and together we made two great children, our Son Tim and our beautiful daughter Hanna"

The king saw the happiness in Patrick's eyes as he talked about his family and smiled to himself.

"I hope I get to meet them all someday Patrick", said king John. "Now come on, lunch is ready"


He was angry.

Beyond angry.

The settlement had not sat well with Harold, for he had grown sick of the king and was already planning on overthrowing him. He wanted to be king. He did not agree with the ways in which the king did things and handled situations. He wanted no mercy! Harold the commander was a ruthless man. He had to be King and he shall.

Sneaking out of sight, Harold slid into the bushes and came face to face with the forest. The air was thick, musty and cold and his surroundings were dark. He stood there consumed by his thoughts and wrecked by his emotions.

There was a tale, a tale about a witch who lived deep into the forest, the forest that divided each kingdom. A witch who obtained powers beyond measure, for she was superior and mighty. It was said that she was the most powerful, most greatest witch of all time.

Coming out of his thoughts, Harold stepped back out of the forest and joined the villagers once more. There, he took his horse and a few stolen food and clothing and snuck his way back into the forest trying his best not to be seen. The croak sounds of frogs and other night creatures began in the night's air, yet unaffected, Harold rode his horse through the forest in search of the great and powerful witch.

Tightening his hands around the ropes that were attached to the horse, he ushered the animal to move faster. With determination within his eyes and evil in his heart, he rode through the night.

"I will find you. If not Tonight nor tomorrow, soon enough you will show yourself to me"

And with a slap on the back of the horse, they sped off into the night.


Word Count: 519

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