Shocking... Isn't it?

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Mandas POV*

I woke up when he switched position. My eyes flung open, and gazed into his blue one.

"Did I wake you up?"



"No need to!" I kissed his lips, and he kissed back gently. "What day is it?"

"Saturday!" He chuckled. "Any plans for today?"


"Good, lets visit the lads then!"

"Fine!" He kissed my nose, and made me giggle. Ad then my.door burst open.

"MANDS!" Eva came running in, again!

"Eva, what the..?"

"You could have warned me about loverboy!"

"Real fun!"

"You have plans?"


"She can follow!" Niall whispered to me.

"Yeah, but you can come! We're visiting some friends!"

"You sure?"

"Why else would I say that?" I rolled my eyes.


"So, can you now go out and let us dress?"



"Yeah, suuure!" She rolled her eyes

"Sorry for that..."

"Well, she's..."



"I KNOW!!" I turned back to Niall, who laughed.

"You two..."

"We're completely normal!!"

"Ev, stop sneak at us!! Go and eat something!!"

"Fine!! Just hurry!!"


We all sat in a car, on our way to the lads. Eva didn't know that, and I don't gonna tell! She can figure it out herself!

"We're here!" We stood outside a big house, they had probably rented it. I got out from the car, and took his hand. Ev walked behind us, and we got in. It didn't take long until I was tackled to the floor, by no one else but Louis!

"Mands!!" He sang. "Hiiiiiii!!"

"Louis... Can you get off me?"




"PLEEAAAAASE?" I whined.

"URHG fine..." He got up, and helped me up as well.

"You're weird!" Niall chuckled.

"You too!" Louis answered.

"You both are weird!" I turned around to Eva, who looked like someone had punch her. "Evs?"

"You just got tackled by Louis Tomlinson!" She whispered.

"Please, don't scream... They all is here..." Her face became strange.

"Omgareyouseriousomgomgomg!!" She squealed.

"Shut up! Now, c'mon!" I pushed her in to the living room. "Hi guys! This is Eva!"


~I'm so lazy at updating! Sorry! It's soon Christmas (YEEEY) and my sister is coming home today! (YAAAY) And like... HI! I don't know what to write...

So, two days ago it was last day at school, and they gor this idea that our teacher would dance! So, all of them got up to the stage, and didn't know it, and they started to play gangam style! It was EPIC! 

Wanna wish a merry Christmas now, cause mum probably gonna make me help her a lot... -.-' So, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Hope you all gonna have a great time! :D Luv ya guys!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now