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Manda's POV*

Monday... Ugh!

My whole Sunday was sleeping, sleeping and more sleeping.

I have those days when I just breaks down because I miss Niall. And when I does, it takes the whole day to calm down. Yesterday I laid for two hours, crying, and Niall tried to calm me through skype.


Cassandra... Always Cassandra.

I walked to school, figuring out how to skip it. Maybe if I fall?

I sighed, and walked through the doors.

"Mands!" I looked up, and was tackled by Ev. We almost fell, but Brad held us up. I could hear him chuckle to us.

"Evs! Space!" I choked.

"Love, let her breath!" Brad chuckled. She let go, and looked at me sympathetically.

"He called?" I whispered.

"Yeah..." She nodded. "He asked me to check you today." She shrugged.

"Who?" Brad asked.

"Uh..." We both said.

"Later!" Eva promised, and hugged his torso. He's a head higher then her, so He placed his jaw on her head.

"Ev, how cute you two even are, we have to go!" I groaned. She laughed, and gave him a quick peck. I dragged her away, telling them that they're seeing each other at lunch.


"So, who's he?" Brad asked, for the thousands time.

"Can you keep a secret?" Ev asked seriously. He nodded.

"Pinky promises?" I held out my pinky, and he did the same.

"What does that mean anyway?"

"If you breaks the promises, you have to cut off your pinky." I shrugged.

"Kay, I get it! So, who's he?!" He whispered.

"Manda has a boyfriend!" Eva squealed quietly. I sighed, and rubbed my temples.

"You know Niall Horan?" He nodded slowly. "It's him we're talking about."

"Wasn't it his band who was here?" We both nodded. "Isn't he with that Cassandra chick?" I sighed.

"Okay, we're doing like this! After school, we pick up a pizza, and go home to me!" Eva said. "And we'll explain everything!" We nodded in a union.


"So..?" I took a piece of the pizza. We sat on the floor on pillows, and ate.

"Tell me!" He groaned.

"Yeah, okay... So, it all started this summer. I was in Australia with my parents..."


"Mum! I wanna go shop!" I whined. I was bored, we had walked at a museum all day.

"Go shop then! Be back at six!" I nodded, and left them to explore Sydney.

I had walk around for a hour on my own, when i went by a small cafe. I decided to go in and buy something to eat. I stepped in, and ordered a soda and a sandwich. The girl in the chasier, probably around my age, nodded. After about five minuets, she came back with my things. I payed, and went out again. In the door, I hit something hard. I looked up, and there stood a boy.

"I'm so sorry..." I started, but he held up his hand.

"No, it's my fault! I should have paid attention!"

"It's fine!" I smiled to him. He had beautiful blue eyes.

"Let me make it up for you! We can eat somewhere!"

"It isn't necessary!"

"But i want to!" I thought for a moment, but ey! Can't hurt!

"Fine!" I smiled. "I'm Manda!"

"I'm Niall!"


"Wait?! You two ran into each other randomly?"

"You're as inpatient as Eva!" I sighed.


"What? It's true!" I said in surrender. "That's anyway how we met. Cassandra gets paid for dating him." I shrugged.

"Ugh I hate her!" Eva groaned.

"Why?" Brad asked confused. Poor boy.



"Bitch!" She laughed. "Crawling on the floor! I thought you was cleaner than that, whore!"

"I'm sor-"

"Don't talk!" She bent down beside me. "Why are you moving? It won't be fun then!"

"Bitch." I said under my breath. She slapped me, and then just walked away.


"That's low!" Ev screamed. "I'll kill that whore next time I see her!"

"Ev, calm it!"

"I won't calm she bullied you how dare she?!"

"Sweetie, calm down!" Brad laid his hand on her shoulder. And guess what! It worked!

She nodded carefully, and hugged him. They're so cute!

"Well, I have to go home! You!" I pointed to Brad. "If you make my girl pregnant, I'll go ninja on you!" He started to blush in a deep-red color.

"Mands!" Eva sighed. "Be nice!"

"Fine! I'll leave you two to... Whatever you're going to do!" I smirked. "Bye!"

"Bye!" They both said, and looked at each other.

I walked the familiar way home. Me and Brad have got really close under this short time, which Ev loves! She love the fact that she can be with both of us at the same time. And I, I'm just happy my best friend is happy.


~I like Eva and Brad's relationship! :D I think they're cute!

It's Monday tomorrow... Another week of homework, class and zvalis... -.- I'm not sure I'll survive this year...  

Hope you liked this chapter! Luv ya!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now