School lunch!

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Manda's POV*

I woke up from the sound of my mum cleaning. Seriously? Now? I groaned, and pulled the covers of. I checked the time. It's seven... Two hours left! I got up, and went to take a shower. I went out to my room again. It's gonna be hot today! Time to use shorts then! I took on a grey top, blue jeans-shorts, my heart necklace and my white converse and went down to eat. (Outfit in external link!) After that, I checked the clock again. 08.30. A half hour until school. I took my bag, and walked out.

"BYE!" I yelled to mum. 

"Have fun!" I rolled my eyes. I would only have fun if... No, that's not gonna happen! He don't remember me! I need to move on! 

I arrived to the school, to see a bunch of girls, screaming. What's going on? I decided to not check, and went to find Eva by her locker, with a coke in her hands.

"Tired a lot?" She turned around, and smiled.

"Maybe!" I took it from her, and took a sip. "Hey! My coke!" She took it back.

"Don't be mad, ginger!" That's her nickname, cause, yeah, she got red hair! 

"Like i should, blondie!" We cracked up, when I suddenly remembered something.

"Why was it so much girls outside?"

"I dunno... Was it?" We walked to a window, and I pointed to the crowd. "Oh... I have no idea! What's our first class?"

"History, I think..." 

"Lets go!" We took our books, and left to go to our classroom. After five minutes, more people came.

"Have you heard who's here?" Someone asked us.

"No... Who?"


"If you're quiet!" Our teacher interrupted us. Great! "So, thank you! Lets start with the lesson!"


"I haven't seen a single new person yet... Or, those tall, scary guys..." We talked about the guests at the lunch. Either I or Eva had seen them. And no one told us who it was either... Joy! Suddenly, we heard scream again, and once again girls crowded in a circle. It was impossible to see around who! I turned around and faced Eva again. 

"Just our luck..." We laughed.

We sat and ate, when Eva suddenly dropped her fork on the floor. Her face grow red, and she bended down to get it. She arrived up again, shocked.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"They... I... O... M... G!! OMFG!!" She started to scream.

"Eva... Sit down!" She became quiet and her jaw dropped. "What?" She pointed to something behind me, so i turned around. Only to be greeted by... "Liam?" 


"You know each other?! What's going on?!?" Eva looked like she was about to faint.

"Eva... Breath!" I stood up, and hugged him. "What are you doing here?"

"We're the 'special guests'!"

"We?" He nodded.

"All five!" He grinned.


"Ginger... Shut up, sit down, and calm your tits!" I turned back to Liam. "So... He's..." I started, but got interrupted by his answer.

"Yes! He's here!"

"What?!" I was shocked. He's here?

"I'm serious!" He laughed.

"MANDS?" I looked over Liam's shoulder...

"Niall..." Suddenly, i found myself in his arms, sobbing. "I c-can't belive you're here!" I whisper in his neck, while huggin him. His arms are around my waist, and non of us cares about the others. It's just us!

"Don't cry, Mands!" He whisper back. "I missed you!" I heard someone cough, and we broke appart. Eva stood in front of us, her arms crossed.


"Uhm... Eva, C'mon!" I excused us, and took her to the ladies, and locket the door. "What do you want to know?"

"How the hell did meet him!? HOW DO YOU KNOW THEM?!" I sighed, and started to tell her.



~CLIFFHANGER! How was that? Wanna know! :D It's twelve people who have read the first chapter! YAY! Makes me happy! So, what are she gonna say? How did they meet? Is E va gonna get angry cause she didn't tell her? I'm so nice! And a little tired! ;D As usually then! Luv ya people!~ :3 xX



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