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Manda's POV*

He took me to a taco place. I mean, I love tacos! We walked around in a park and ate. It was empty there. No fans. Just us.

"So... How have you been? For real!" He said. I sighed while we sat down on a bench.

"I've been... Torn... I don't know how to describe it! I've been missing you like crazy!" 

"I've been the same... When you boarded that plane... I don't even know what to say... I've thought of you every day!" I smiled and giggled. That's so cute! "I love you, Mands! It even hurts!" I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you to, Nialler!" I whispered. "Even my mum miss you..." I chuckled.

"Well, it's late, and I'm diving you home! Lets go say hi to her!"

"Are you being serious?" I asked worried.

"Yes! C'mon!" He stood up, and took my hand, and we walked to the car with our hands intertwined with each other. We sat in the car, and I told him my address, and left to go to my house.

We arrived after ten minutes, I think. We went to the front door, and I took a deep breath, before I opened it. I stepped in and was greeted by the smell of cupcakes. Mum bake a lot now, cause I've been so down. She heard the door close.

"Manda? Is it you? Where have you been?"

"Uhm... I met a... Friend..." I looked at Niall, who tried to not laugh. Mum walked out to us, and dropped the spoon she held. She saw the smile on my face, and was confused.

"Friend?! Niall?!" She looked confused. "You, my dear, have something to explain!" She pointed to me. I sighed, and we followed her to the kitchen. Yup, she was baking! "So..?"

"You know the 'special guestes'?" She slowly nodded. "Well, it's was them... And we met, sorry that I didn't text you telling I was coming back late..."

"It's okay! So, Niall, how have you been?"

"Well, great..." 

"I going to clean myself up..." I stood up and left them, hoping she wouldn't scare him.


Niall's POV*

"I going to clean myself up..." Mands stood up, and went away.

"So, have you really been great?" Her mum crossed her arms.

"No..." I mumbled.

"Mands have been torn... She hasn't been herself until now... Today was the first time she came home smiling, you know! You're special for her!" I smiled when she said that. We soon heard someone walk down the stairs, and she came back.


Manda's POV*

I'd change into sweats and a t-shirt, and headed down again. I was greeted by them, both smiling.

"So, Niall..." My mum said. "I don't have anything against if you wanna spend the night here!" I looked over to him, who nodded. I started to smile like an idiot. "Well, I going to sleep! Don't make to much noise!" 

"Mum... Just GO!" Both of us blushed like mad. She finally left us, and I sighed. "Sorry for her..."

"Nah, it's okay!" He smiled. I let out a big yawn. "Tired? Want to sleep?" 

"Yeah..." I stood up and took his hand. I lead him up to my room, and closed the door. "The toilet is there." I pointed to the door. "And this is my room, obviously! I'll just get ready!" He nodded, and I kissed his cheek. He cupped my cheeks, and kissed my lips passionately. I felt the butterflies go mad, and sparks flew everywhere. After a while we broke apart, both out of breath.

I went in to my bathroom, cleaned my face, did my business, and went out again. He laid in my bed under the covers. I stripped of my clothes, and laid down as well. I soon was pulled to his chest, and we laid thee snuggling.

"I love you!" I whispered.

"I love you to, Mands!" He kissed my forehead, and i fell asleep.



Anyway, I wrote with this girl for about 4 hours, (you know who you are! ;D ) and we kinda spammed my friend most of the time... She gave me 'The Look'... xD It was sooo worth it! She hasn't even read it all yet! 

Panic! Got three test, have done one essay, and got one left, and they are soon doing our grades! D: HOW ARE I SUPPOSED TO HAVE TIME?!

Luv ya butterflies!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now