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Manda's POV*

It was now a week ago I left London, and Niall. And, to be honour, it sucks. I miss him like crazy, but I got school and he have work.

This long-distance relationship, I at first didn't thought it would work, but I think I was wrong! We called each other as often we could, skyped a lot and talked about literally everything who was on our mind.

Cassandra, well the witch, still acts like the bitch she is. Last week at a interview she suddenly said that they was planning on getting a baby, complete bullshit if you ask me, but that only made it harder.

And Ev... They're acting all sweet. But particular to me, they're the sweetest couple ever! Well, they have their up and downs, everyone does, but they never walks away from each other.

"Mands? Blue or pink?" Evs stood in front of me with two dresses in her hands.

"Blue! It looks better on you!" She was getting ready for a dinner with Brad's parents, and she was really stressed.

"You're sure?" She asked concerned.

"Yes! Now change so I can fix your hair!" I pointed to her bathroom, and she went inside to get dressed.

My computer started to beep, telling me someone was calling on skype. I smiled when I saw it was Niall.

"Hi!" I smiled.

"Hello!" I turned the computer and heard Ev come out. "What are you doing?"

"Ev are going to meet his parents!" I said while making her sit on the chair. "I'm helping her!" I started on her hair.

"Hi Niall!" She yelled and waved.

"Be still!" I whined to her. I heard Niall chuckle in the background.

"Looks fun!" He joked. I poked my tongue out to him, and made him chuckle even more.

"Well, she have to be perfect!" I said, and concentrated me on her hair.

"I have to be more then perfect!" She started to panic.

"Eva? It'll be fine!" Niall said through the cam.

"What if they doesn't like me?!" She almost cried out.

"They will love you! When are Brad coming over?" Just when I said that, someone knocked on the door. "Niall, can I call you back?"

"Sure love! Bye! Good luck Evs!"

"Bye!!" I yelled, and walked out to the hall. I doubt he heard me. I opened the door, where Brad stood. "Right in time! Please help me calm your girlfriend!" I whined. He looked concerned when I said that, and nodded.

"Why is she freaking out?" He asked, and walked after me to her room.

"She's worried your parents won't like her." I opened the door, and she was still at the same spot. Brad run to her, and placed her so she sat on his lap. He whispered something in her ear, making her giggle.

"Thanks!" She whispered and kissed him lightly.

"Okay! Enough with the lovey-dovey shit! You have to get ready!" I shoved Brad out from the room, and started to finish her hair, while she made her makeup.

After twenty minutes we was finally done. We stood outside Brad's car, and hugged each other.

"Good luck!" I said, hugging Brad as well.

"Thanks!" He said, and took Ev's hand. She smiled faint, her nervousness still shoving.

They got into the car, waved, and drove off.

I walked home alone, and it started to get dark. I can thank the gods that we're not living so far away from each other!

I arrived to my home, who was pitch black. Which tells me mum is working late... Oh, joy!


"You need to calm down, love!" Niall tried to calm me through the webcam.

"I can't!" I whined to him. "I miss you!" I sighed.

"And I miss you to! But when the tour starts we're coming to the US! We're meeting when I'm in New York, okay?" I nodded, nearly tearing up. "Good! And Louis says hello!"

"Hi Louis!!" I yelled.

"Hi Mands!" I heard him yell back. I chuckled, as well as Niall.

"What time is it?" Niall asked.

"Uh... Eleven."

"You have school tomorrow! You need to sleep!" I giggled. "It's nothing to joke about! I love you Mands! Bye!"

"I love you to Nialler! Bye!" I waved, and ended the call.

I laughed to myself at how sweet he was, actually caring about my education!

I went downstairs and locker the door. I then drank some water since my throat was dry.

I then went up to my bathroom, and took a quick shower. Relaxed my muscles, and calm down a little. I just miss him so much, it's hurts! When I was done, I stepped out from the shower, and dried myself. 

Before I knew it, I was in my bed, with Niall's shirt on me. My eyelids was heavy, and I soon fell into a deep sleep.


~Just remembered a thing... I got test tomorrow... And on Friday... Fu. I have to study... 

Short, shitty, but always something! EXCUSE ME!! PLEEEAAAAAASE?! 

If you haven't check out my Harry fanfic! It would mean so much! :))

I have over 400 reads! OMG this makes me SOOOOOOOOO happy! :D I luv ya guys!~ :3 xX



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