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Manda's POV*

The music was on full volume, and people started to get really drunk. Me involved. I guess I'm drinking.away my feelings...

I looked at the people who danced, the most of them practically snogging on the spot.

Eva made me wear this short dress, who luckily covered my butt.

"Wanna dance?" One guy slurred in my ear. His hand wandered up my thigh, but I hit it away.

"No, I don't!" His hand sneaked around my waist, and He brought me close to him.


"No." I fiddled out f his grip, and walked away.

I took myself something to drink, which was pretty strong. Like I said, I'm drinking! I looked around, and spotted Eva on the other end of the room.

I pushed myself through the crowd, and up to Eva. She wasn't as wasted as I am, surprisingly. I guess she keeps an eye on me or something. Brad wasn't so drunk either.

The smell of alcohol was everywhere.

"Manda!" Eva laid a arm over my shoulder. "Woah! How drunk are you?"

"Not that drunk!" I slurred, and brought the glass to my lips.

"No more vodka for you, miss!" She said sternly, and took it away.


"C'mon! Lets go home!"

"I don't want to!" I slurred.

"Yes, you want to!" She argued.



"No." I groaned.

"Brad!! Help me!" She whined to her boyfriend. "She won't follow!" He nodded, and threw me over his shoulder.

"Brad! Let me down!" I giggled. I heard someone sigh at me.

He carried me out to Ev's car, and sat me down again. I sighed, and got in to the car. I closed the door, and took the seatbelt on.

Eva and Brad hugged, and kissed. A lot! But I have to say, they're really cute!

I got impatient, and knocked on the window. They gave each other a last kiss, and said goodbye. Eva opened the door, and got in. She started the car, and drove away.

"You're so stubborn when you're drunk!" She chuckled.

"I love you to!" I groaned.

"So, who was the guy you hugged?"

"He hugged me! And I have no idea. Some prick." I shrugged.

The car stopped outside her flat, and I stumbled out. Yeah, I guess we could say I'm really drunk! I had problem with taking my jacket of, and before I knew it, I was throwing up.

I was bending over the toilet, Ev sat behind me and held my hair while she patted my back. I cried of disgust over myself.

"It's going to quit!" She promised me. I nodded and the tears continued to stream. They didn't stop!

When I finally was done, I got a new toothbrush of Ev, and brushed my teeth as good I could while being drunk. I used mouth water as well, trying to get a ride of the smell. When I was done, I went out to see that Ev was on the phone.

"Yeah, she's drunk!"


"Well, guess!"


Niall's POV*

"Niall?" Ev asked confused.

"How's Mands?"

"Uh... She have been better..." She mumbled.

"Is she sick?!"

"No, but she's throwing up..."

"Is she drunk?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, she's drunk!"


"Well, guess!" She said angry.

"Because of me..." I said, and sighed. I sat down on the couch, and felt my eyes burn.

"Hell yes it's because of you!" She sounded really pissed. I don't blame her, I broke her best friends heart...

"Shit." I breathed out. "I have to fix this!" I mumbled.

"Yeah you- Mands, go upstairs! Go to sleep!" I heard faint talking in the background, knowing it was her. "Yeah, you have to fix this! I've never seen her like this over a guy!" She sighed.

"How can I fix it?" I asked desperately.

"Why do you ask me?" She mumbled.

"Because no one knows her better than you!" I whined.

"Yeah, that's true."

"So..?" I rubbed my temple frustrated.

"I have a perfect plan!" She sounded pleased with herself.

"I'm listening!"



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now