Normal day in life

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Mands POV*

I woke up with the biggest grin on my face. I was facing Niall, and he was still sleep. Until my mum woke him up...

"BREAKFAST!!" His eyes was wide and he looked shocked. I giggled, and kissed his lips.

"Morning!" I whispered.

"Morning!" He looked me in my eyes. "Can't i wake up like this everyday?" 

"What? My mum yelling breakfast?"

"No... You giving me a kiss!" My face redden up and he chuckled.

"What if I say no?" I answer him.

"You wont..." He's whisper against my lips.

"MAAAANDS!!" I hear Eva's voice, and footsteps who's running up the stairs. My door flung open, and we flew apart. "Uhm... Mands... What the..?" Niall turned around so he's facing her, and she's blushing. "Sorry... I'm just..!" She pointed to the door, and left us laughing.

"Sorry for that... She's... Special..." 

"It's okay, love!" He kissed my nose, and I giggled. 

"Manda!! COME DOWN!" I heard my mum again. I groaned, and pulled the covers of us. 

"We better head down..." I mumbled, and he chuckled. 

"Yeah! We should!"

 "MANDS! SCHOOOL!!" Oh right... I groaned. 

"I have to get ready..." I kissed his cheek, and ran to the bathroom to get done. I did my business, and went out again. He still laid in the bed, and was asleep. I giggled, and got dressed. I decided to wear a black tank top, light jeans and a purple sweater. (Link on side --->) I turned around again, and saw that he was awake.

"How long..?" 

"Long enough!" He wiggled his eye browns at me, and I blushed. 

"Well, I have to go to school... You can either stay or go or whatever you want to do! Bye!" I kissed his cheek, and jogged downstairs to Eva. I took a fruit, told my mum to be nice to him, and we went to school. Eva was fast to ask me tons of questions.

"Why did you two sleep in the same bed?" She teased me.

"Ginger..." I sighed. "Nothing else happened!"

"Yeah, sure!" She rolled her eyes, and we walked through the doors in school. 

"Keep your dirty thought for yourself!"

I felt people gaze on me, but I looked at the floor. I could hear whispers behind my back. I tried to ignore it, and just walk. 

"They don't like me at all!" I said to Eva. She rolled her eyes.

"THE Nialler was here yesterday, and they all like him, and you two hugged and went out!" I rolled my eyes. "This reminds me of twilight!"


"Because, no one liked Edward's and Bella's relationship, but they got married! He's Ed, and you're Bella!" She said, excited.

"No way I'm Bella!" 

"Why?" She asked confused. Her brown eyes concentrated on me.

"She's so boring!" We looked at each other, and broke out in fit laughter. 

"We better go to class..." Eva groaned, and we went.


I walked through the door, and was greeted by mum. 

"He had an interview, but is coming here after! I watching it right now, actually!" She grinned, she went back, and i followed. They had just started to talk.

"So, Niall! Is there any special lady in your life yet?" The man asked, and he started to smile and blush. That's cute!

"Well, yes!" The others poked hid ribs, and he blushed more.

"Well, how did you two meet?" 

"When we was in Australia this summer!" 

"And, are you planning any special for her? Like a date or something?"

"I can't tell, cause she's watching this!" He laughed, and I smiled. He's just... Adorable! They soon ended, so I went to get food. Ya know, I can't live without it! But I was interrupted by the doorbell, and there he was. He walked in, and as soon I closed the door, his lips was at mine.

"I missed you!" He mumbled against them.

"I missed you too!" I mumbled back, and kissed him again. We got interrupted by my mum, who awkwardly coughed. I gave her a glare, and she putted her hands up in surrender, and left us again. "Have you eat?" 

"Yeah!" He breathed.

"Well, I'm soon done! You can either sit with me, watch TV, or something." 

"I'll stay with you!" I smiled and took his hand. We walked out to the kitchen, where my pizza was. I quickly ate it. After we went up to my room, and I did my homework. Joy!

"How do you keep up with the homework?!" He leaned over my shoulder and had his arms around me, and scanned my work. An essay, about World war 2! 

"Just have too... Either that, or they'll call my parents..." I sighed. 

"Where's your dad, by the way?"

"Business trip in UK..." I sighed again. I hadn't seen him in two months now.

"Oh..." He kissed my cheek. "Isn't you done soon?"

"Be patient! Soon! I have one page left! Watch a movie or something!"

"If you sit beside me!" He took my laptop and sprinted to my bed. He pointed for me to sit down beside me, which I did. He slung his arm around me, and started the movie. And i continued on the essay.

After a half hour, I was finally done! I sighed in relief, and went to put my laptop away.

"I'm just going to get ready!" I told him, and went to the bathroom. I then went out again, to put my pyjamas on. I took one of his shirts on, and went under the covers beside him. I snuggled in his chest, and fell asleep.


~The school is a pain in my ass! But, it's 9 days to Christmas, 7 days until I get to see my sister again, and my friend's having birthday tomorrow! (Congrats Muppet!) So, next week is kinda chill, no training except on Tuesday! So, I'll have more time to writ! :D

Second: I wanna show my respect for the children and grown who got kill yesterday in New Town! Such a tragic day! My prayers are for their families and all children who is fighting for their life, the adults, and all who survived and have to live with this! RIP!<3

So, raise the humor! Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think! Luv ya guys!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now