"I've been missing you!"

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Manda's POV*

I woke up after like three hours sleep. It's 3 am... Four hours until the plane lifts. Then waits a 8 hours long fly-trip to the UK. Yay...

I groaned and got up. I took some sweats and a tanktop. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Got dressed, and made a messy bun high on my head.

I didn't bother to do my makeup, since I gonna spend my day on a plane.

I decided to eat on the airport, so I went to wake dad up.

"Dad..?" I whispered. He groaned.


"You need to drive me now!"

"Yeah, I'll soon be ready." He said sleepy. I went out again, and got my bags. I packed my wallet, phone, charger, the tickets, headphones and a book. I soon herdy dad walk out from their room.

"Lets go!" He said, and got dressed.


I checked in, went through security and found a place to eat. I sat there for at least a hour, one left...

I decided to start to go where I should, and got up. I made sure I had everything, and started to walk.

I had to ask at least four people where I should go, which was embarrassing. But, I found it!


"Hello, this is your captain who's speaki-"

Same story every time. Safety, seatbelts etc. You know the story! When he finally stopped to talk, We took off. I couldn't calm down! Alice can die any minute! What if I don't make it in time?

I need to calm it! I looked at the seat infront of me. I can watch a movie! I plugged in my headphones and started Avatar. I leaned back, and watched. Tried to forget everything. Tried to rest! I didn't sleep well, I've been crying all night! Worrying about Alice.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the movie. I tried to don't fall asleep, but did.

I woke up when the last scene was. Best taming ever! I yawned, and got my book from the bag. Harry Potter! Yeah, I'm actually a big fan... I sank into this fiction world, and enjoyed it really much. Forgot all for a while.

"You like Harry Potter?" A light voice asked me. I looked up to the girl who sat beside me. "The books are really good!"

"Yes, I do!" I smiled. "I'm Manda!"

"I'm Cindy!" She smiled back. "So, why are you going to England?"

"My cousin is in hospital... I'm going to visit her." She frowned.

"I'm so sorry..."

"No need to! So, why are you going to England?"

"I'm going to visit some friends."

"They live there?" She nodded.

We talked the whole flight. It was actually nice to have someone to talk to and not just sit and being sad.

I went out from the plan, after we had get each others numbers, and called Niall.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi, you're here, right?"

"Yeah! Try to recognize me!" I looked around at the crowd. The only gut who was talking in the phone had black hair. "You can't see me?"

"No!" I whined.

"Well, I understand why! I have a wig!"

"You have a wig..? You're the guy with black hair..." I chuckled, and hung up. I looked at him, and he grinned at me. I tooky bags, and walked over him.

"I personally think I fit in black!" He chuckled. 

"You didn't look yourself in the mirror I see." He poked his tongue out at me. He took one of my bags in his hand, and entwined our fingers with the other.

"Lets go!"

"Are Cassandra there..?"

"No, she's at some friends house." He shrugged. "She doesn't know you're here."

"Oh joy!" I rolled my eyes.


We arrived to his flat. It was gigantic! Their was two bedrooms. One for him, one for her. He showed me to his bedroom, and I dumped my bags there.

"I need to call my aunt..." I said to myself. I took my phone, and sat down in Niall's lap. I dealed her number. She answered after a few signals.


"Hi Anna! It's Mands!"

"Oh, hi Mands! So you're in England now?"

"Yes, I am! And I wanna visit Alice as fast I can."

"Well, you can come tomorrow! You need to rest right now, sweetie."

"Yeah, I will."

We decided which time I would come, and she told me which hospital they was at. We talked a little too before we hung up.

I sighed and leaned against Niall. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed my neck.

"I've been missing you!" He mumbled in my hair, kissing my neck again. I giggled at him.

"It's only a few days ago you left!"

"I know!" He mumbled. "But still!" I turned around and straddled in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his was still around my waist.

"I've been missing you too!" I whispered. I kissed his lips lightly, enjoyed the feeling. He brought me closer to him, and deepened the kiss. We broke apart and both was out of breath.

He brought my lips back to his, and kissed me passionately. I brought my hand to his hair, and player with it.

"MY EYES!!" We broke apart, both looking to the door. Cassandra stood with a disgusted face. "There is bedrooms, you know!" She whined.

"Well, if you insist." Niall winked to me, and took me in his arms, bridal style. "Don't knock!" He yelled to her while walking to his room. I was in his arms, laughing at her expression. Priceless I tell you! "Don't disturb us!!"


~I'm dying a little from writing the last! I'm not writing more than that! xD This is kinda a filler, but those chapters have to exist to, ya know! How would.the world be without fillers?! I dunno, cause they exist! ;D I'm SOOOOOOOOO funny! School tomorrow. (God, be with me!)  

Hope you like the book! What do you think of Cassandra? Okay, stupid question! MOVE ON FROM IT! Luv ya guys!~ :3 xX




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