New start

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Manda's POV*

"This has been an amazing time, and I've learnt to know so many wonderful people!" Eva said, and smiled at me and Brad. "And now, we're all going to different places. This years has been amazing, thanks to both students and teachers! I hope you all will have it great, and we'll maybe meet again sometimes. Thank you!" Eva's voice cracked a little t th end, and her hand automatically flung up to her stomach. 

She stumbled off the stage, and went back to her seat beside us. She just held the speech, a real honour for her! She was really nervous at first, but as soon she started to talk, it just disappeared!

I let out a tear, it was kinda sad actually.

I don't know, but I just don't want to leave all this! Even if it was here me and Niall met the second time, I love this school! 

And in a month, I'm on my way to Australia, to a new start!

I sees this as my second chance, a new life! A new life with Ev, Brad and their baby!

Speaking of her baby, her bump is huge! And, on better terms, she asked me to be the godmother! I would lie if I said I didn't cry! It means so much that she trust me likes that! 

This year, I've learnt much. Yeah, in school of curse, but I've also learned that love hurts, especially to me. I really adores Eva and Brad, they're looking at each other the same way as when I first meet him. With love full in their eyes!

More than you can say about me...

I just don't want a new relationship... I think...

I'm really not sure anymore! I just feel so lonely...

And the magazines doesn't help exactly! Everywhere I turn, I see a pic of the 'baby Horan bump'. I think it's like a month or so left for her, but I'm not sure.

And it sucks!'

"Mands?" Eva whispered and looked concerned. We had made our way to the line, to get our grades.

"I'm okay." I smiled weakly. She shook her head, but shrugged it off.

"Manda Olson?" The principal called up my name, and i made my way up to the stage to get my grade.


"You ready?" Eva asked as we boarded the plane.

"I think so!" I smiled weakly. She rubbed my back, and we went on the plane.

I'm scared! Really, really, scared! For the new place, for my future. And mostly because we're moving to Sydney, where I and Niall first met... 

It will rub up all my old memories I'm trying to forget. But if I don't do this, I'll regret it forever!

I never thought I would end up like this, but you learn from your mistakes... And maybe that was it all was, a mistake. On both of our sides. I knew it never would last, but i didn't thought my old bully would be the reason! It just doesn't makes sense at all!

But there's nothing I can do about it! They're having kids, I'm moving. And he doesn't even know where!

That makes me think back to before we broke up. When he just ignored my calls. I knew it already then, but I didn't want to face the truth... It just hurts... 

"Bye old life..." I whispered as the plane lifted.

"Did you say anything?" Eva asked sleepy.

"No." She nodded, and closed her eyes again. I couldn't help but smile. She held her hand on her stomach, almost like she wanted the baby to be warm.

It's weird what pregnancy does to a woman! She just gets so... Motherly!

"You're regretting this, aren't you?" She whispered concerned.

"No, I'm just over thinking the year." I shrugged. She sighed loud.

"We'll find you someone else, I promises!"

"Ev, don't push the poor girl to hard!" Brad sighed, and stroke her stomach. She rolled her eyes, and     poked her tongue out to him. I laughed at how cute they was, but inside I was still thinking.

But what if I don't want anyone else? What if I'm still overly, truly, madly, deeply in love?

Because I am! I really am...

And, I think I've learnt plenty much stuff about myself this year! Ii've been growing, and this breakup just made me grow more. And now that I think of it, it maybe wasn't that bad.

Like I said, it was an summer love, over again...


~So... This is it... My short ending of this book! It feels so weird! xD  Thank you soooooo much everyone who have been reading, commenting and voting! :D It means so much

I'll start with the sequel this week, I think. And I know what it's going to be named! DUN DUN DUN!!!!

Give your heart a break!

Yes, I took it from Demi's song! But I love that song xD I thinking I'll post it this week, on maybe Sunday, or on Monday! When I got time :D 

I hope you all will continue to read that book as well! And thanks again! :D

Luv ya guys!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora