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Manda's POV*

"So, Niall!" The interviewer started. I sat in my couch with Eva, with tears in my eyes. This feels awful. "I've heard that you've found someone special, am I right?" He nodded.

"Her name is Cassandra! She's actually here!"

"Mind to bring her out?" He mentioned for the witch to step out. The others made space for her, and she sat down beside Nialler and took his hand. "Hello Cassandra!"

"Hello!" She said in her nasal voice. She squeezed Ni's hand. 

"You're pretty, congrats Niall!" He smiled. "So, it was she you talked about a while ago? You met in Australia, right?"

 "Yes, we did!" She fast answered.

" How did you meet?"

"Well, I was on my way from a shop, and we randomly bumped-" I took the remote and turned it off. I can't watch it. I felt the tears stream. 

"Mands..." Eva dried my tears and hugged me.

"She gonna try to steal him! I know it!" I sobbed.

"I won't let her! You need to sleep! You can crash here!" I nodded.


"Mands..." She sighed. "He don't gonna leave you! If he does, I personally gonna kick him and his famous little Irish ass out from the US!" I started to giggle. We went to her room, and laid down in her big bed, and I dozed of.


"He'll never love you like he loves me!" A light voice whispered in my ear. I turned around. No one? 

"Mands?" I saw his blond hair. "I wanna break up with you..."

"Why?" Tears started to form in my eyes, and soon spilled over.

"I never loved you! I love Cassandra!" He then started to disappear.

"NIALL?!" I screamed after him, ad fell to the ground and started to sob. "No, no, no!"


"Mands?!" Someone shacked my shoulders. "Mands? Wake up!" I flung my eyes open, and saw Liam. 

"It was a dream..." I said to myself.

"What was a dream?" He asked confused. "Why was you screaming no?"

"I... He... I'm-" I started to sob, and he hugged me. "I dreamt that Niall left me for her!" 

"He won't! He's downstairs, and want to meet you! Stop cry, and fix yourself up, or whatever you use to do!" I chuckled.

"Thanks!" He left again, probably downstairs. 

I got up and looked myself in the mirror. My eyes was a little red. I can say that's because I was asleep. Perfect! I quickly put my hair in a bun, and went down. They all was there, talking to Eva. Even her. I walked over to Niall, and sat down in his lap.

"Hey!" He whispered to me.

"Hi!" I kissed his lips. I ignored the others groaning, and smiled against his lips.

"Did you watch it?"

"A little, but I became tired..." He clearly didn't believe me. "Later!"

"Okay... If you two-" Louis pointed at us. "-are done being lovey-dovey with each other, I wanna eat!" I chuckled. 

"What do you wanna eat?"


"I'm tired at take-away..."

"No-one asked for your opinion, bitch!" Cassandra said under her breath, so low only I heard her. I ignored her.

"Ev's do you got any groceries?"

"Uh... No..." She looked around. "Lets go shop! I want the house here when I come back, guys!" They faked a hurt look, and we laughed. "C'mon, lets go!" She took my arm, and dragged me out.

"Hope she don't try anything..." I muttered.

"You have to tell me why you're so against her! I can see that! And she called you a bitch!" We jumped in her car, and drove off.

"So, I wasn't the only one who heard?"

"She's pathetic!" 

"C'mon, I'm hungry!"


We arrived at the house again, and found they all watching TV. Cassandra dangerous near Niall. They turned around when they heard the door. 

"Yeah, we're going to the kitchen..." Niall stood up, and helped us with the bags. "Thanks!" He hugged my waist, and kissed me. 

"I'm hungry! Stop making out in my kitchen!" We broke apart, and I glared at him.

"You two needs help?" I looked over at Eva, who nodded. 

"Yes, we actually do!"


And half hour later we all sat in the living room at the floor, except miss 'I.can't-sit-at-the-floor-it'll-destroy-my-clothes!' who sat all alone in the kitchen. We made fajitas, just cause we didn't know what else to do. I heard faint complains from Cassandra that the food was to spicy, too hot, too cold, too much fat in... You get it, right? Endless of complaining! At the end we all groaned. 

"Can I throw something at her?" I rubbed my temples. 

"Would love to help you!" I leaned against Niall's chest, and yawned.

"Tired?" He chuckled.

"Just really much..." 

"Wanna sleep?"

"I have to go home..." He suddenly started to move, and I flew of his lap and sat beside him. He stood up, and helped me up.

"We're going!" He said and they nodded. He gave me sunglasses, and called a cab.

The cab had arrive, and as soon we was at my house and had walked inside, we was attacked by my mums hugs.

"Mands! Dad is home!" She said excited. I widen my eyes, and ran to the living room.

"Dad!" I ran and hugged him. "When did you come?"

"An hour ago! Hi princess!" He looked up, and directly at Ni. "Niall! Long time!" He let go of me to greet him, and whispered something to him. He nodded, and smiled to me. I once again yawned. "Go to sleep! I'll stay for a while!" I happily nodded, and took Niall's hand. We went up to my room.

"What did he say to you?"

"I'm not allowed to tell! Sorry!" He cupped my face, and kissed me passionately. "I love you!" 

"I love you to!"

"You know which day it is tomorrow?"


"It's Monday! You need to sleep!" 

"Yeah, right... School..." I groaned. He chuckled. "Time to sleep then!"


~In like one or two chapters it's gonna be drama! Just so you know! You gonna notice it, I promises! This was kinda a filler, sorry! Hope you still like it! This Cassandra, she's a real bitch, okay? And the drama, of course, gonna be around her! But I don't telling more!

Thanks for reading! Luv ya guys!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt