Give me love

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Manda's POV*

We sat in the van (LOL omg I'm okay!) on our way to the airport. It hurts... They're leaving, and she's following, and I can't kiss him in public. We already have said goodbye, but it still feel shitty. It was awfully quiet. I hate it! And I hate the fact that they are leaving. I knew it would happen, but don't after just two weeks...

I leaned against Niall shoulder and one of his arms was around my waist. Cassandra sat on the seat beside him.

"I gonna miss you..." I sighed.

"We still have skype! We can talk as often we can!" He sighed as well. "I gonna miss you so much..."

"It's still not the same..." 

"We will meet each other soon! I promises!"

"This feels like Australia over again..." A single tear fell down my face. He noticed, and wiped it away.

"Don't cry! We'll meet again! We're coming when We have tour!"

"I know..." The car stopped, and the driver told us we was there. I heard scream outside. Thank god they can't see us! He took my face in his hands, and kissed me passionately. We didn't broke apart until Cassandra started to complain.

"They'll take you back home..." He hugged me tight. "Bye, love..."

"Bye... I love you!" I whispered in his neck.

"I love you to!" We broke apart, and Cassandra opened the door and pulled herself and Niall outside. The other was in the car behind us.

We waited until they had the luggage, and drove away. The driver drove me home, and said goodbye.

I walked inside, and was greeted by mum. She embraced me in a tight hug.

"It's gonna be okay!" I smiled weakly at her.

"Yeah, I know..."

"You want anything?"

"I want you to explain all this for dad, I'm going to sleep!" She nodded, and hugged me again.

"I will! Go to sleep!" I nodded, and ran upstairs.

I dressed in more comfortable clothes, sweats and a tank-top. I started the TV I had, and laid down in my bed. I snuggled to the shirt that accidental, almost, slipped out from his bag. I inhaled his sent, and closed my eyes.


I woke up when my phone sounded. I groaned, and took it to answer.


"Mands? Thank god! How are you?"

"Eva... You just woke me up!" I groaned.

"I don't care! I'm soon at your house!"

"Why the hurry?"

"Because I'm bored! Coming in through the door now, seeya!" 

We hung up, and I heard a knock at the door. Wounder who! I heard voices, and how someone walked up the stairs. Seconds later the door flung open, and she jumped on my bed.

"How high are you?" She slapped my arm.

"Not at all!"

"What happened?"

"Brad! He asked me out again!"

"I KNEW IT!" I made a little victory dance.

"And, I really hope he gonna ask It!" 

"I think he gonna do it! When are the date?"

"In..." She checked the time. "Four hours!" I jumped up from the bed.

"I gonna help you! Lets go to your place!" We linked arms, and went down. "Mum! Going to Ev!"

"Okay!" I took on my coat, and she did the same. 

We walked the short way to her house. Her parents wasn't home. Night works, you see. We arrived to her house, and I went to her wardrobe.

"Fancy or casual?"




"I GONNA MAKE YOU!!" She groaned.

"FINE! If i can wear flat shoes!"

"Of course! I don't want you to break anything!"

"Ha ha ha... You're SOOOO funny!"

"I know, babe!" I winked to her. "Can I wait here?"

"What about no?" I gave her my puppy eyes. "Urg, fine!"

"Thanks!" I kissed her cheek. "Make mama proud! After you have been showering!" She laughed, and went to her bathroom to take a shower.

She came back a half hour later, her hair wet, and she had her Pj's on. 

"Lets start!" I jumped up, and she sat down at a chair in front of her make-up table.

I plugged in the hair dryer, and started my work! I dried her hair, and let it fall naturally around her shoulders. I then started at her make-up. I did it really light and naturally. When I was done, I helped her on with her dress, and then we was done! I stepped back, and looked at my art. Perfect! Eva looked stunning!

"Oh my god, it's perfect!" She squealed. She hugged me tight. "Thank you soooooo much!" We heard a knock, and she looked nervous. "I have to go!" 

"Run!" I sad, dramatically. She hugged me again, and ran down. Yes, ran! I heard them talk, and the door close. She locked the door, and a minute after, I heard a car drive off. 

I went down to her TV-room, and pulled on a movie. The lion king! Time to sob my eyes out!


By the time it was over, I cried hardcore! I'm so freaking emotional! Ev was still out, so I started another movie. Crazy stupid love! I needed to laugh! 

Half through the movie I heard someone lock up the door. I turned around, and in came Ev's, with the biggest smile ever.

'"And..?" I asked hopefully.

"I'm not single anymore!!" I squealed and ran to hug her.

"I knew he would ask you! How was it?"

"It was amazing! He took me to a fancy resturant, and asked me under the stars!" I saw her smile burn of happiness. 

"I wanna meet him!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"And you will! He's coming over tomorrow!" She yawned. "I need my beauty sleep!"

"Me to! Lets go to sleep!" We linked our arms, and walked to her room. Yes, we're sleeping in the same bed! Not like it's the first time! But, she's like a sister to me! We just got different parents, that's all!




~I actually had this done two days ago, but like I said, bad mood! Hope you still love me! :3 

School started today! Won't have as much time to update! I can do it on Wednsdays, maybe Thursdays, and on the weekend! If I don't need to study! Okay? Love ya guys!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now