Summer love, over again

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Manda's POV*

"Mands?!" Eva shouted through the door. "Open!!"

I didn't move, I just sat there. I hugged my knees, and let out every tear I had. I couldn't see anything through the tears in my eyes, everything was blurry.

I heard they fiddle with the lock, and saw in the corner of my eyes how the door flung open. Not even three seconds later I was embraced in Ev's arms.

"Mands, what happened?!" She asked worried.

"I... He... W-we..." I couldn't find the right words. Brad kneeled down in front of us, and looked worried as well.

"You and Niall?" She asked quietly. "What happened?"

"H-he said... And her... And-" I broke down in sobs.

"He did what?" She asked calmly.

"H-e s-said it w-was the b-best f-for u-us..." I sobbed out.

"What?!" She shrieked.

"D-don't scr-ream, think o-of t-the baby."


"He left me..." I whispered, still crying. Evs jaw dropped, as Well as Brad's.

"He what?!"

"He left me, over a phone call..."

"That little..." She took a deep breath, and looked at Brad. "Brad, help her too the couch."

"I will." He nodded, and helped me.up from the floor.

"I'll be back soon!"

"Eva don't leave!" I sobbed. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I need to make a phone call."

"Babe, think of the baby!" Brad said sternly.

"I am!" She smiled, and took her phone. She took on her jacket, and walked outside.


Niall's POV*

"Niall?" Cassandra's nasal voice came from behind me. "It's okay, now we can focus on our family." She placed a hand on my shoulder, but I shrugged it away.

"No, it's not okay! I don't wanna start a family with you!" I said in disgust. She smirked at me, which made me cringe.

"But you got no other opinion."

"When that baby is born, we're taking a father test!" I shouted.

"Why would we?!"

"Because I said so!" She was about to scream something back, but stopped when my phone started to call. She cringed her nose, and went out. I checked the caller id, and sighed. Eva...


"YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT, NIALL!" She screamed in the phone.





"Ev, don't scream, it's no good for the baby..."

"See, she told you that! How dare you doing this!? You wasn't there after the summer, seeing how sad she was when you wasn't around! You two was so happy together!!"

Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now