Explanation... Please?

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Manda's POV*

"What do you want to know?"

"How the hell did meet him!? HOW DO YOU KNOW THEM?!" I sighed, and started to tell her.




"Spill it!" She crossed her arms and sat down at the floor. I sighed, and did the same.

"It was when I was on vacation..."


"Mum! I wanna go shop!" I whined. I was bored, we had walked at a museum all day. 

"Go shop then! Be back at six!" I nodded, and left them to explore Sydney. 

I had walk around for a hour on my own, when i went by a small cafe. I decided to go in and buy something to eat. I stepped in, and ordered a soda and a sandwich. The girl in the chasier, probably around my age, nodded. After about five minuets, she came back with my things. I payed, and went out again. In the door, I hit something hard. I looked up, and there stood a boy.

"I'm so sorry..." I started, but he held up his hand.

"No, it's my fault! I should have paid attention!"

"It's fine!" I smiled to him. He had beautiful blue eyes.

"Let me make it up for you! We can eat somewhere!"

"It isn't necessary!"

"But i want to!" I thought for a moment, but ey! Can't hurt!

"Fine!" I smiled. "I'm Manda!" 

"I'm Niall!"


Eva gasped. 

"You didn't recognize him?" She asked shocked.


"What happened next!?" She squealed.

"Calm it! Anyway, we went to Mc'Donlalds and ate...


"So, tell me about yourself!" He said.

"Well, I'm Manda, I'm seventeen, and I'm here on vacation! You?"

"Well, I'm Niall, I'm soon ninteen, I'm here in work!"


"Yeah, I'm in this band, One Direction..." It was like he almost expected me to scream.

"I knew you looked familiar! That's cool!"

"You aren't one of those crazy fangirls, ey?" I chuckled.

"No. My friend is! But, I'm a fan! I love your music!" He smiled.

"Thanks! So, who are you here with?"

"My family..."

"You don't sounds so happy for it!"

"No, I'd love to stay home, but I followed..."

"Well, it's good for one thing..."

"What?" I asked confused.

"We met!"


"That's soooo sweet!"

"Can you stop interrupt me?"

"YES! Continue!"


He started to blush.

"Aw! Yeah, the best with this trip!" He smiled at me. I checked the time, it's 5.53! "Shit! I've to go!" 

"Can I have your number?" He asked shyly.

"Of course you can!" We switched numbers, before i had to go. "Bye Niall!"


"We hung out all time we was there, and I loved every minute. We started to date, but it ended up when I had to go home..."


"Promise me that you'll never forget me!" He whispered in my ear. 

"How could I ever forget you? Promise the same!" I felt the tears start to stream.

"Never!" We hugged one last time, and kissed. My mum yelled at me that i had to come, and we broke apart slowly. I sadly made my way over to her.

"Bye Niall..."


"That's so sad..." It looked like she was about to cry. "Why you didn't tell?"

"I don't know, and I'm sorry... Don't hate me..." I whispered. She hugged me.

"Never!" We broke apart. "Now, c'mon! He have to worry!" We chuckled, and got out. Outside, we was greeted by five confusing-looked guys. 


"Why did you ran off?" Liam asked.

"Had to explain everything for Eva..." I pointed to her, and she waved. I then turned to Niall and smiled. "Hi..." 

"Hi..." We gazed into each others eyes fro at least 5 minutes, until someone cleared a throat.

"I don't wanna interrupt.. This... But, Mands, we have to go to class!" Eva said, and pulled my arm.

"Have to go! See you after school?" 

"Yeah! Outside?"

"Yeah! Bye!" I hugged him, and went after Eva. "Eva! Wait!"


"And, remember the homework to tomorrow! Bye!" I quickly took my things, and went to my locker. I said goodbye to Eva, after I promised to tell her everything, and went to see him. He stood outside the school and waited. He greeted me with one of his adorable smiles.

"Hi!" I said, and he pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back, before we broke apart. He took my hand, and we walked to a car. 

"So, how have you been?" He started.

"Great, I guess... I was just missing you..." I blushed.

"Great, cause I was missing you to!" I giggled.

"So, where are you kidnapping me?" 

"Oh, that's a secret!"


~OoO! And I'm like, OW! ;D Lol, I'm soo funny! So! Hope you like it! And, I'll love you if you check out my other story's to! ;P Just a hint! *cough* Anyway, thanks for reading, and all over agian, you know the story! Luv ya!~ :3 xX



Summer love, over again (Niall fanfic!)Where stories live. Discover now