"Promise you won't hate me!"

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Manda's POV*

I walked through the school, desperately looking for Eva. But I didn't find her! This starting to get ridiculous! She was here an hour ago!

I sighed, and ran a and through my hair. I spotted Brad in beside. locker, talking to some guy. I quickly made my way to him, and patted his back.


"Where's Eva?" I asked and frowned. He looked around us, looking slightly confused.

"She isn't with you?" He frowned as well.


"But, she was here!" He said confused, probably thinking I was doing. prank on him.

"I know..."

"I have to look for her!" He said to himself.

"No, I'll go look after her." I mumbled. He nodded, and went back to talk to the guy.

I took my phone from my pocket, no messages? No calls? Nothing?

I groaned annoyed. Where is she?! I ran a hand through my hair, and decided to skip the class. Ms. Keenly doesn't care anyway of you're away, so who cares?

I took my bag, and walked out from the school, avoiding all questioning looks.

I went the direction to Ev's house, and pulled my headphones in my ear. The beautiful voice of passenger started to blast through them, and I hummed along to let her go.


I arrived to the flat. I carefully opened the door, hoping she was here.

I took off my outwear and shoes, and walked in to her living room.

"Ev?" I asked, and raised my voice so she could hear me. I heard someone move in the room beside me, more known as her bedroom. "Eva? This isn't funny!"

"M-mands?" I moved over to the half open door, and opened it. My eyes widened of shock.

"Ev?!" I ran up to her, and sat down in front of her. She hugged her pillow, she had no makeup on, and her eyes was red from crying, I assumed. "What happened?"

"I-I..." She cried out, and hide her face in the pillow.


"What am I going to do?" She cried out again.

"What happened?!" I yelled desperately.

"He's going to hate me!" She whined.


"Brad!" She cried.

"Why? He loves you!" I sighed, still confused by all this.

"B-but y-you doesn't u-understand!"

"Then explain this for me!"

"I-i..." She pointed to something on the bedside table. I nodded, and bent over to get whatever it was.

"Ev?!" I said, once I reached it. "What the actually?! How in?!"

"I don't know..." She said quietly.

"You're pregnant?!" I shrieked, unsure if I should be happy or sad. She nodded, and I looked down to the test.


"Shit." I breathed out. "Does Brad know?"

"N-no..." She cried.

"What are you going to do?"

"Manda... I wanna keep it!" She said, more power in her voice.

"What?" I choked.

"Yes! I'm 18! I can do it!"

"Evs, whatever you chose, I'm here for you, but you have to tell Brad! It is his, right?" She nodded. "You have to!"

"I know... But I'm scared! What if he leaves me, Mands!" She started to cry again.

"You're in deep shit, you know that? How are you going to tell your parents?"

"I don't know... But they won't approach it..."

"If Brad doesn't propose!" I suggested. She started to smile, pleased with the thought.

"So, how should I do?" She asked with shaky voice.

"You're telling Brad! I'm here through it all, I promises!" I hugged her tight.


"After school." I checked the time. 2 o'clock. The school quits 3.30, which give me time to calm Eva down.


By now, Eva was breathing fast and heavy. She tugged impatient on a pillow, and looked like she was ready to faint. She was pale, like a ghost, and I didn't know how to calm her down.

She hummed really low to my heart will go on. Something she always did when she was close to panic. I tried to calm her down a bit, 'cause it can't be good to the baby, or foster. Did it help?


Did I try as hard I could?


She watched some bad reality show, an her eyes was close to tearing up. It really hurt me to see her like this! She's like my sister!

*Knock knock*

She froze in the couch, and her eyes grow wide. I sighed, and went to open. Not so surprising, it was Brad. He frowned at me, and I could see how worried he was.for her.

"Brad... You love Eva, right?" I whispered.

"Yes, I do!" He said, sounding like I just asked the most stupid question so far.

"Can you imagine you two married in the future?"

"Yes, I can!" He nodded.

"Good." I said, and let him in.

I ran back to Eva, and took her hand. Brad came soon after, and ran up to Eva, and hugged her tight.  

"Don't scare me like that ever again!" He whispered in her hair, and kissed her forehead.

"Brad..." She sobbed. He nodded, and dried a few tears. "I have to tell you something..." He nodded, and I squeezed her hand again.

"Anything!" He promised her. I could see how much pain he was in, just by seeing her like this.

"Promise you won't hate me!" She cried out.

"I won't!"

"I-I..." She started, but her voice betrayed her.

"You?" He said, just like I did.

"Mands... C-can you get it?" She said. I nodded, and got the test in her bedroom.

I came back in to the room, and looked at Eva, asking her if I should give him it. She gave me a small nod, so I did as I was told.

Both me and Eva watched with fear how his face got a big frown on. A confusing frown. His jaw dropped, and He dropped the test as well. It fell to the floor, and gave a small sound.

"Brad..?" I asked, ready for him to yell.



~Snap! This is so far one of my best cliffhangers! Ever! xD I'm mean, I know! D:

You know, I'm really sorry that it took so long time! And I'm in a hurry! I have to eat! Hope you enjoyed this anyway!

Luv ya guy!~ :3 xX



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