sleepy flower

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Cecilia noticed Albedo sigh, "how's it going?" Albedo looks at her, she was so beautiful. The cecilia which she was named after couldn't hold a candle to her beauty.

"It could be going better. Looks like this isn't something alchemy can solve afterall. I've tried looking at herbal remedies as well but no luck."

"I guess it's just something we'll have to wait out then. Unless that Mona you speak of can see my past."

"It's too early to give up. Coming up with a conclusion could take days or months."

"So we'd be waiting it out the hard way."

"Are you here to be snarky?"

"I am, as a matter of fact."

Albedo smiles and Cecilia yawns.

"If you're tired would you like me to take you back home? You've had a rather long day."

"No, I'm still wide awake."

Albedo looks down at the books he was reading and back up the sleepy girl. Her head became heavy and she struggled to keep her eyes open. Adorable.

"I think a break in my research is necessary. I'll come back to it tomorrow. Follow me, I'll take you home."

Albedo led her back home and she came along happily. She was excited to rest her eyes. Albedo was right before. It had been a long day. Especially long, not as terrible as it should have been, however.

When they finally arrive and Albedo opened the door. They found Klee sleeping in the middle of the floor. Without saying anything Albedo went and carried her off to her own room. After laying her to bed he silently led Cecilia to her new bedroom. It was rather small, Albedo explained it was meant to be an office space but Klee thought it'd be better as a small bedroom.

"For sleepovers with friends!" She would constantly insist. Not that any sleepovers were ever held. Klee preferred playing with her friends outdoors.

"I apologize for it being so small. I hope it'll suffice. There were only two bedrooms and both of those are occupied by myself and Klee. So this is all we have."

"If I dont have to pay rent then I'm not allowed to complain. Just to clarify, you are letting me stay here free of charge, correct?"

Albedo silently chuckled, "of course. It'd be incredibly cruel of me." They smiled at each other, Albedo turned away and spoke, "good night, Cecilia. May you sleep well."

"Good night, Albedo. I hope you have a good night sleep too."

Albedo shut the door behind him and left Cecilia alone. He had only been gone a second when she began to feel uneasy. It was her first time being alone since Albedo found her. Alone with her thoughts. Forced to think of the events that'd transpired that morning.

She sighed, the quicker she fell asleep, the less time she had to be alone with her thoughts. The bed was comfortable. She skipped the getting ready for bed stage and went straight to sleep.

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