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(Picture: Albedo watches a child drown)

"How long is this vacation meant to be?"

"About seven days, have you thought about anything to do, other than stargazing?"

"Oh, no. I've been thinking of other things."

"Albedo, what is it that's distracting you? I really felt it might have been sleep but it really seems like there's something else on your mind."

"It's nothing of importance."

"It clearly is if it's distracting you from work. Sucrose tells me you never stop doing alchemy, like ever. And now you're all distracted?"

"It's nothing you need concern yourself with. I'll be fine once my vacation is over."

"You knooooow~ talking about it helps!"

"Then I'll speak with Sucrose."

"Not me? Don't tell me I'm the problem?"

Albedo waves his hands, "no, no, of course not. You could never be a problem!"

Cecilia huffs, "is it super duper personal? Like a big secret about your dark past?"

"What dark past? You say the strangest things."

"Hehe, where are we going anyway?"

"Somewhere high with plentiful amounts of flowers."

"Like Starsnatch?"

"Yes, but that isn't where we're going."

"Is there some place in mind?"

"Not necessarily. Unless you want to go to Starsnatch. We've never spent more than a few minutes there. I'm sure the stars would be beautiful."

"If you dont want to go to Starsnatch it's fine."

"Starsnatch is fine. I just figured a change of scenery would be nice for you. It's really just up to you, flower."

Cecilia holds her hands up to her mouth and pouts, "you and Kaeya... I said not to call me that, it's embarrassing."

Albedo simply laughs and looks to the road ahead. They got along so well and yet he couldn't seem to understand the feelings he had for her. He wanted to investigate this relationship furthur. It's made him forget all about his other experiments. It keeps him distracted from his work.

He didn't understand the urge to hold her sweet face and say, "don't go on that date with Kaeya. Go with me instead, my flower."

Yet, he restrained himself. Maintaining relationships was a tedious task. Even more so when it's a romantic relationship. Not to mention, he knew nothing about romance. And it seemed she was uninterested in him. Considering, she was considering a date with Sir Kaeya of all people. "I thought she hated him..." he thought.

They continued to walk seemingly aimlessly. Indecisive, they decided to visit Starsnatch Cliff again. Perhaps next time they'd find someplace new. The sun was nearly ready to set and Cecilia sat at the very tip of the cliff. She stared off into the ocean. Albedo shortly came to join her.

"I thought you didn't like Kaeya?"

"I didn't but he's okay now. And he's pretty hot. It'd just be one date; I don't think it'd lead to a serious relationship. "

"Didn't you once say you never dated unless it was intended to be serious?"

"Yeah, but I've decided to just go crazy this once. Who knows? Something might happen. Plus guys rarely ever wanna go on dates with me."


"Who are you calling desperate? Watch your mouth, mister. I come equipped with fists."

Albedo laughs. He's never laughed as much as he does with this girl. There was another thing he found odd. The way his body wanted to act on it's own. Just then, he felt the need to lay his head on her shoulder. As he looks down, he feels the urge to place his hand on hers. He looks up to the sky. The sun had finally began to set.

"Isn't the sunset so beautiful?" The girl asks as she stares. Her eyes glimmered in a way that suggests she was entrapped by the gorgeous sight. Under normal circumstances; Albedo would be as well. Yet, the sun had set and he missed it. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the girl next to him.

"You're ruining my life."

He thought.

"And I'm enjoying it."

Slowly, she turns and smiles at Albedo. Oblivious to the blonde's thoughts. "Wasn't it just gorgeous?"

"Yes. She was. But it's time to eat now. Come, I'll prepare something for us."

"Hm? She?" She shakes it off, "I'll prepare dinner. You're meant to be resting."

She rushes over and reaches into their supplies. She pulls out all her ingredients and begins to prepare their meal. Albedo simply watches, "why are you rushing, flower?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to. I didn't want you to beat me to anything." She slows her pace and prepares the food in her own calm fashion. Albedo's eyes never leave her. He watches as the way she moves her hands to chop up her ingredients. He watches her careful eye as she measures everything out. He watches her pursed lips as she focuses.

Her soft lips.

Her soft, luscious lips.

He places a finger on his own lips. Yearning for a touch. He realizes what he's doing and stops himself. Wide-eyed he stares, blankly. This girl... she was too much for him to handle.


I must restrain myself.

A Wish Granted (AlbedoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now