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"You're usually so talkative. I expected you to go on and on about your... date."

"It's just that there's not much to tell. I felt a little too awkward to say much." She sighed as she proceeded to mumble. "You win again awkwardness."

"Surely, there must be more to tell if there's going to be a second date."

"Well, I guess I'm a good listener and I provided some commentary on occasion."

The day ended rather quick after that. They finished eating and cleaned up. Albedo simply went back to reading his book and Cecilia did whatever it was that brought her joy.

The next few days went by rather quickly. Albedo quickly went back to work; more distracted than ever. "This phase will pass." He reassured himself constantly. It would not, but it would become more and more manageable. Up until he's able to work like normal again.

It'd only been a few weeks since Albedo returned to work. Cecilia had gone on various dates with Kaeya until one day.

"Albedo!" She bursts through the door of the workshop. "Here's the stuff you asked for. I have something to tell you!"

"Thank you, what is it?"

"I have a boyfriend!"

He nearly stumbles and he stares at her wide-eyed. He knew he wasn't ready for a relationship but... the pain and disappointment was still there. It was already enough she'd been going on those dates with Kaeya. And now they're official?

"O-oh? Is that so, flower?"

"I know I said I dont like Kaeya THAT much but for some reason I'm just so excited and jittery!"

Albedo looks to the ground, "are you sure Kaeya is right for you?"

"Huh?" Feeling as though he'd burst her bubble with a pin.

"I believe Kaeya has been with most women in Mondstadt. I only want what's in your best interests but... if you think Kaeya is right for you then, alright."

"I guess I should have expected that. He does seem the type. I'd like to try it out anyway!"

"Whatever you'd like, flower." He turned away dejected and continued his work.

"Aren't you happy for me?"

He doesn't respond for a while until he finally says, "hand me that herb there, will you?"

"Are you not listening? Or are you just avoiding the question."

"Avoiding the question."

"Wow, so blunt."

He smiles at her. "I simply think the calvary captain isn't going to treat you the way you deserve."

"You mean like a princess?"

"Yes. Please hand me the herb."

"If you want me to be treated so well, why don't you do it?"

"The. Herb."


Albedo continued working in silence while Cecilia sat on his desk swinging her legs. "What are you making?"

"A medicine for Klee's cold."

"You're such a good big brother, Albedo."

"She told me she thinks of you as her big sister now."

"Cute! When did she say that?"

"Last night as she went to bed."

"Hooray, I'm a big sister!"

She continued to happily swing her legs as she watched Albedo work. He'd been rather distant lately and she wondered why. She wondered if it had to do with her dates with Kaeya. Although, it was nice to think that he was jealous. She chose to believe that wasn't the case. She had her own reasons to avoid a relationship with Albedo.

My own faults will soon end what I call a perfect relationship.

He might find it endearing at first but he'll get sick of it soon.

Just like with him, from before. It's a new world. A new start. Albedo has already seen the way she can be. No one else has so maybe there's a chance. A chance to find someone who loves her and won't leave. And if they did? It wouldn't hurt as much.

She was distracted from her thoughts when someone burst into the room and tackled her. She yelped, still on the desk, she found herself laying on her back. She opened her eyes to see Kaeya had tackled her. She laughs as she wraps her arms around him.

"Kaeya! What are you doing?!"

"Saying hello to my GIRLFRIEND." he made sure to add emphasis to the word. Seeing as Albedo had been focused on his work, refusing to look at them. Once he heard the sounds of lips moving, however, he quickly turned his head.

"Sir Kaeya, might I ask that you refrain from such activities in my workspace?"

"Get off!" Cecilia playfully punched Kaeya in the chest.

He listened and held his arms up, "I mean no harm. However, I am here with a private message. I'm going to have to ask my princess to leave."

As he says this he lifts her head with a finger on her chin. She smiles and pushes his arm away, "don't touch me."

"Aw, still so harsh even after I won your heart?"

"All this flirting disgusts me, I will leave happily."

She leaves the room and shuts the door behind her, "isn't she quite the sight as she walks away?" Speaks Kaeya, "I quite enjoy watching that behind leave."

"Why are you here, captain?"

"My, your words are laced with such hate. Could it be, perhaps, because I beat you to the girl?"

Albedo simply scowls at him, "is this all you're here for?"

"You needn't give me such attitude. Need I remind you, you live with her. You had all the chances in the world." He laughs, "you're practically inseperable, well, were."

He walks towards Albedo and places a hand on his shoulder. Making a smug face at him. "You wasted your chances. Now, you get to deal with the consequences."

"That's all I needed. I'll be leaving now."

Kaeya leaves the room as Albedo stands silently.

(I'm writing..... just at a slower pace. Be patient with me, i beg 🥺 pls enjoy kitty albedo with kitty xiao. And it won't let me properly link the video but.... )


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