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"What is it?"

"That's the first thing you've said to me today."

He didn't respond. It must be draining being a silent person, and having a sudden outburst.

"Albedo, I just want you to talk to me. You and Kaeya."

He clenched his fist, he was so tired of hearing of Kaeya. All he wanted was for her to be safe. He let her put herself in danger. Not to mention how painful it was already knowing they were together. What had they done together? His heart ached thinking of it.

"Albedo, please. Just say something."

If I say something I'm afraid I'll say too much.


He couldn't stay silent if it wasn't what she wanted. He forced himself to speak.

"I don't like seeing you like this. If he was just a little more careful you wouldn't be here."

Cecilia didn't respond, she was waiting for him to say more. But he struggled to bring himself to say anything else.

"I know you've been working hard to be strong but you should've known you weren't ready."

These long pauses were due to him finding the right thing to say. It was difficult. He unclenched his first and looked up at her. He looked into her eyes and mustered as much courage as he could.

"I love you too much to see you be hurt like this. Especially, when someone who's supposed to love you allowed for it to happen."

Cecilia stayed silent, but her eyes opened wide. Her mouth slightly opened. Her steady breaths turned into something rushed. She felt tears steam from her eyes. Albedo saw these tears and immediately regretted what he'd said.

"No, that can't be." She spoke quietly, almost too quiet for Albedo to hear.

"I don't understand." He himself was close to tearing up as well, "why not?"

She threw her face into her hands and cried. "You can't love me!"

Albedo was shocked, he had no idea how to respond. Though, he felt his heart break as he watched these events unfold.

"Cecilia, please tell me what you mean!" He pleaded.

She wiped her tears away, though they kept coming regardless. And she looked at him. "Because all it'll do is hurt me! Just like before, I remember it so well."


"If you love me then at some point it'll go away. You'll get tired of me. You've already seen how much of a handful I am!"

"No, you're not! Yes, you can be a bit much but that's what I enjoy! A moment with you is never dull, you're so full of life."

"Albedo... it was the same before. I've lived through it before."

"How can you say for sure it'll be like before?"

"I don't know..."

He walked in her direction and sat with her. "You asked me to talk to you. May I ask you to do the same?"

She took a deep breath and exhaled, "Albedo, I'm in love with you!"

"Then why did you choose Kaeya?"

"Don't get mad at me for this but. It felt safer. I couldn't handle the thought of pushing you away. I was so horrible when we met and even now. With the constant.... gaslighting." She cringed as she said it. "I like you too much to chase you away. I thought I could make myself like someone else and it wouldn't hurt as much when they left me."

"Cecilia that's ridiculous! Just because that boy in your old world treated you so horribly doesn't mean anyone else will." He sighed, "won't you give me a chance?"

"You know this makes me a bad person, don't you? Leading on Kaeya."


"And you still.... want to be with me?"

"More than anything."

"Then we're both idiots here." She reached her hand out for him to take. He happily did and he raised it to his lips in order to plant a kiss.

"I've always wanted to kiss you." He spoke softly. "May I?"

All she said in return was, "okay." She was happy this was happening but the way it happened was... not ideal. As well as rather quick.

Still, she leaned in and finally, they kissed. It was short but it felt like it lasted an eternity. Albedo pressed his forehead on hers.

"This makes us bad people." She said quietly.

"I know. Is it horrible of me to enjoy it?"


They once again closed that gap between their lips. This time for much longer. There were butterflies all around and it felt lovely. Scary, yet lovely. The thing that made it scary was the fact that she was still with Kaeya. Every second it went on she wondered if they'd get caught. She wanted to be a good person, she wanted to end it with Kaeya before this happened.

But it happened, and her fear came true. The door opened and Kaeya walked in. Quickly Cecilia pushed herself away from Albedo and they both looked to see who was there.

Kaeya was furious, it was written all over his face. He grit his teeth and clenched his fists. Before anyone could say anything Kaeya ran towards Albedo and held him up by the collar of his shirt.

"What the hell was that?"

"Kaeya, let go!" Cecilia shouted earning the attention of nearby nuns. They rushed in and gasped at what they saw.

"No! I won't let go. I should've known this would happen. I should've done something about it sooner!" He cocked his first, ready to throw a punch.

"Kaeya, don't!" Cecilia shouted once more, but her words meant nothing. It was all just a blur of rage.

This went on a while and Albedo had chosen not to fight back. Afterall, he knew what he'd done. He wasn't at all innocent in this. The fighting had to come to an end eventually. When it did, Kaeya fell to the floor crying.

The commotion had naturally caused a crowd, Barbara made her way there as quickly as she could. She had Jean behind her, who'd rushed from the Knights of Favonious headquarters to the cathedral.

"What happened?!" She asked as loudly with a voice full of anger. "Kaeya, how could you raise a fist to another member of the Knights?"

Of course no one else had any context as to what happened. They only heard the commotion and rushed to see.

Kaeya stood and made his way towards Jean. He scowled and spoke bitterly, "why don't you ask him?" And he left the room.

It was silent as Jean glared at Albedo.

"Tell me what happened."

A Wish Granted (AlbedoxReader)Where stories live. Discover now