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E L L I A N A - R O S E

He is so fucking adorable oh my GOSH!!

No, I'm not talking about Kade, I'm talking about David. 

Let's just recap what happened earlier today in sixth period, shall we?


After music, I had my last class, physics. Of course, as class starts the teacher gets interrupted by the same group of boys, only this time it was all of them. Well, this should be interesting.

Needless to say, class was very interesting.


I sat there wondering why the six boys who just entered the room were staring at me. 


As soon as I caught David's eye he started blushing. Awwwww!!

I smiled and motioned for him to sit next to me. He came and sat to the right of me while his friends all went to the back of the class, two rows behind us.

Before the teacher started talking I overheard a couple of students mumbling things like, 'Why David?', 'She picked the worst one', 'Why are they sitting together?'. 

People are so nosey these days.

"Hi", David whispered trying to hide his huge smile from showing. 

"Hi", I replied while giggling and smiling back at him.

"Can I call you Elli?", he asked still smiling.

"Sure. Do you have nicknames?", I answer, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Uh yeah, my friends and family call me Dave. You could call me that too. Or something else if you want. It doesn't matter.", he ranted nervously.

"Well then, I'll call you Dave too," I told him with a small laugh. Once he replied with a small 'ok', we turned our attention to the teacher. I still felt the same pair of eyes on me from when the class first started, but I still didn't turn around.

A little while later we kept talking back and forth. David kept telling me lame jokes to make me laugh.

"Ok ok, I got another one. What do you call two pigs playing tug of war?", he asked excitedly waiting for my answer.

"Umm, I don't know, what?", I answered.

"Pulled pork," he told me making us both laugh. It's funny hearing the things his tiny brain makes up.

"How are you coming up with these on the spot?", I asked him, genuinely curious.

"I read a lot so I always have some ready.", he explained with a small smile.

"You are too cute.", I told him while resting my head in my palm.

"Cute? Again? Not hot?", he asked disappointedly. 

"You'll find someone who thinks you're hot one day Dave. I just won't be that person.", I told him, trying not to disappoint him too much.

"So you only want to be friends?", he asked sadly.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I mislead you on that Dave.", I said while placing my hand on his, rubbing it softly, as I'd do to Kade.

"Well if I can be your best friend it won't be that bad.", he told me smiling.

"Okay.", I replied as I moved my hand to his hair and started massaging his scalp.

David then put his head on my shoulder and I instantly wrapped my arms around him, still playing with his hair. It's like cuddling a big Kade. 

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