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I wish I had a family like Elli's.

After seeing how they all got along at Kadence's party, well everyone besides Nico, I knew that type of love is what my life is missing.

I wish I could say I love my family that way, but it'd be a lie.

I grew up in a wealthy family that liked to keep a low profile due to some of the shady things that involved our relatives. Those things are a lot of allegations, both true and false that could ruin them if they were to get out to the public. 

These allegations may evolve around my great aunts and uncles but if people found out the rest of my family were related to them we'd be exploited by the media, which I wouldn't want. I can't say the same for the rest of my family.

Like my aunt Sabrina and uncle John. They'd do anything to be popular and well-known people. They've tried so many times to expose our hidden family to the public media but have failed on multiple occasions.

I wish I could have a normal life like the other kids at my school, but not everyone gets the life they want and I'm stuck with this one.

However, I'm not completely sure if the Caputos live a normal life; the rumor is they're a part of the mafia, and that's not hard to believe.

I like being at school more than at home for many reasons. Not only do I get a break from my cruelly judgemental parents, but I also get to be around my friends, and people who treat me like an actual person with feelings, unlike my family.

Not a lot of people at school know, but Sara's my cousin. She doesn't really like for people to know we're related but she's okay with everyone just thinking we're friends. So everyone except Jakob, Carter, and Elli, most likely her friends too, don't think we're related.

Sara and I used to do things together all of the time when we were younger. That all stopped when I turned eight. The worst year of my life.

I don't know what changed or what happened to her to make her so different. So evil.

No one knows how evil she really can be, no one but me. I'm not allowed to be evil back or I'll get in trouble with my parents. She's a lying manipulative little bitch who gets everything she wants and does nothing but continue to ruin my life.

I had a best friend named Reid Bailey until our junior year in high school. He was the sweetest person I'd ever known. He was always there for me and never saw me as an inconvenience or burden like everyone else I knew. We practically did everything together since we were six, until one day before school when he told me he had to leave, but he wouldn't tell me why.

Of course, I don't know for sure, but I think his leaving had something to do with Sara.

Clearly, I can't say for sure it was her and even if I did, I'm sure no one would believe me. No one's ever picked me over Sara, except Reid. That was until we met Jakob and Carter.

Reid, being the more social one between us two, became friends with them on our first day of high school. After a few months, we were all best friends. Then a few months later, Sara was there too, like she always was. She has to worm her way into all of my friendships and make them her own.

She's like a small spot of mold hidden in a wall, she's just there and no one thinks anything of it because she pretends to not care, to be invisible, but when everyone least expects it, she'll spread her toxicity onto everyone and leave you hurting. It's what she's best at. It's what she spent years doing to Reid but he overlooked her tactics and stayed by my side...until he couldn't.

Carter and Jakob have seen a few times when Sara said something out of line and confronted her, only resorting to her apologizing to them but going home and telling her and my parents how I was telling her friends rude things about her.

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