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E L L I A N A - R O S E 

"Can you pass me the oregano, please?", I asked Matty as I was mixing seasonings.

"Oregano too? You sure you don't already have enough seasoning?", Matty asked though still passed the small container of seasoning. 

"Matty we're Italian.....there's no such thing as too much seasoning.", I joked laughing while mixing the seasonings.

"Well, in case you're forgetting, I'm most definitely not Italian but very much so Mexican.", he said back leaning against the counter.

"Same difference.", I declared while rolling my eyes.

"Whatever you say pequeño jefa", he said laughing walking out of the kitchen, probably going to mess with Kade. (little boss ).

As I finish mixing the seasoning into the sauce I hear my phone start to ring.

I put the mixing spoon in the sink and picked my phone up to see that Nico was Facetiming me.

"Hey gorgeous.", Nico greeted flirty when I answered.

"Hey asshat.", I greeted back making us both laugh.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted me to come over in a bit, to help set up.", he questioned while I propped my phone up against the jar of uncooked pasta.

"No it's okay, but thanks for offering.", I declined politely.

"Are you sure? I won't be busy, like at all, if that's what you're worried about.", he justified frowning slightly.

"That's not it, I had already asked Matty to come over beforehand to help out some.", I explained.

"Oh. Well, could I still come before the others?", he asked hesitantly scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, sure.", I agreed while chuckling at the end of my sentence.

"Thanks. Wait, why'd you laugh at the end.", he urged smiling.

"You do know Matty will be bothering you the entire time you're here right?", I asked just to warn as well as prepare him. Matty can be pretty intense when he interrogates people, he loves to make somebody crack under pressure.

"I'm sure I can manage.", he said confidently rolling his eyes.

"Okay then, come over around six-thirty.", I suggested seeing that it's now six o'clock and everyone else is coming a little before seven for dinner.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit.", he said before hanging up.

I decided that it would be the smartest idea to clean up downstairs now instead of waiting until later. I'll keep Kade upstairs until they all get here.

"Mama!", I hear Kade yelling from upstairs as I finished cleaning. I rush upstairs to see what the problem is this time.

"Yes Kade?", I ask leaning upon the doorway.

"I want milk.", he demanded crossing his arms.

'Not this again.', I thought internally rolling my eyes.

"Kade you were doing so good with not asking for milk anymore. What happened?", I asked confusedly. I honestly thought we were over this stage now.

"I kind of brought up how he hasn't asked in a long time.", Matty nervously admitted causing me to huff in frustration. Great, just what we needed today.

I was glad when I got Kade to stop breastfeeding for a while. Whenever he does nurse, he gets all clingy and doesn't let me have a minute alone, even if Matty bribes him with watching Cocomelon or the Cubs games. I just hope he won't be too clingy today if it comes to the point where he won't eat or drink anything until I let him have milk, yes it's happened before.

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