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Living a life like mine, you wake up every day expecting the same things over and over. Not that it's a bad thing, it just gets boring.

Wake up, get ready for the day, have breakfast with my family, go to school, hang out with the guys, work on stuff for the mafia with dad, have dinner with the family, and go to sleep.

It's been the same routine for the past almost five years. That's when we first moved to America. We used to live in Italy, but something happened and we had to leave. 

I'm not trying to say I don't like my life because honestly, I am glad to say I have it better than most people I know. I get it, I'm lucky to have a big family with loving parents and siblings to talk to, friends who care, and all I could ever ask for.

But that's just it, I don't have it all. Not yet.

I'm still waiting for her. My person. 

Growing up, my nonna always told me I'd find love like her as well as my parents. I've always wanted a love like theirs. Real love is hard to find though and even harder to keep, especially for people like me.

All the people I've talked to were never girlfriend material.

It seems as if they're all the same.

If they don't want me for money, they want me for sex. Never love, but that's all I want.

I still hook up with girls now and then at their parties, of course, my family doesn't know that or else my mom would give me a lecture each time. Honestly, though, what do they expect, a dude has needs, so of course, I'll find a way to fulfill them, just not at home, I respect my parents too much to bring a slut into their home. 


My morning started like any other.

I was woken up by our dog, Apollo, who loves to wake us all up with kisses. Being a Doberman, his kisses aren't always the cutest.

I put on the first clean outfit I saw in my closet, which was a gray Nike set, after brushing my teeth and went downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and was met by my parents kissing. They're cute I guess, but of course, being me, I started fake gagging to make them stop. They looked at me and laughed while rolling their eyes playfully. 

"Buongiorno.", they both greeted me. ( good morning ) I told them good morning back as I sat at the table waiting for the rest of our family to come down.

By the rest of our family, I mean my siblings, my nonno's and nonna's, my uncles, aunts, and a few cousins.

Yes, we all live together. I'd like to say I want my own house soon, but in all honesty, I like living with my family. That and I don't have to pay any bills.

"What's up bit-heyyy, mom and dad.", my brother Luca said coming into the kitchen followed by his twin, my brother Lorenzo who we call Enzo.

"Language, Luca.", my mom scolded and he mumbled a 'sorry'.

Everyone starts making their way down to the dining room for breakfast. My nonna Grace-Ann eats before everyone else since she has to be at school early, being the school's front desk lady. She says it's called the 'school receptionist' but I'm pretty sure most people don't know the real name of that job. 

Or maybe I'm just slow.

"You guys heard the news?", Wade asked as he sat at the table. 

"About the new mansion that was designed and built by a multi-billionaire? I think everyone heard that news already Wade, catch up.", Tristan commented.

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